Ask Someone For Help, Contoh Kalimat dan Latihan Soal

Sematskill 52

Materi tentang cara meminta bantuan dalam bahasa Inggris dapat mencakup frase atau kalimat seperti “Could you please help me with…” atau “I need some assistance with…”. Selain itu, kamu juga bisa mempelajari ungkapan sopan seperti “Would you mind lending me a hand?” atau “Could you spare a moment to assist me?”.

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contoh kalimat

  1. “Could you please help me carry these boxes to the car?”
  2. “I’m having trouble understanding this math problem. Can you give me a hand?”
  3. “Would you mind proofreading my essay for me?”
  4. “I’m lost. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest train station?”
  5. “I’m struggling to set up my new phone. Could you show me how to do it?”
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Contoh Percakapan

Sarah: Hey, Mark. Do you have a minute?

Mark: Sure, what’s up?

Sarah: I’m trying to hang this picture frame, but I can’t seem to get it straight. Could you lend me a hand?

Mark: Of course, I’d be happy to help. Where do you want it?

Sarah: Just over there, above the sofa. Thanks a lot.

Mark: No problem. Let me grab the hammer and nails.

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Latihan Soal

  1. Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan ekspresi yang tepat untuk meminta bantuan:
    “I’m having trouble understanding this paragraph. _?”
  2. Pilih frase yang paling sopan untuk meminta bantuan dalam situasi berikut:
    a) “Can you help me with this?”
    b) “Hey, I need your assistance!”
    c) “Excuse me, could you spare a moment to lend me a hand?”
  3. Buatlah kalimat meminta bantuan yang sopan berdasarkan situasi di bawah ini:
    Situasi: Kamu terlambat dan kehilangan kunci mobilmu di dalam rumah.
    Jawaban: _?
  4. Buatlah kalimat meminta bantuan yang sopan berdasarkan situasi di bawah ini:
    Situasi: Kamu memiliki pertanyaan tentang tugas rumah matematika.
    Jawaban: _?
  5. Lengkapi percakapan berikut dengan ekspresi yang tepat untuk meminta bantuan:
    A: “Sorry to bother you, but I’m really stuck on this computer problem.”
    B: “No problem at all. _?”

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