Excuse For Being Late, Dilengkapi Contoh Soal

Sematskill 67

“Excuse for being late” adalah alasan atau penjelasan yang diberikan seseorang ketika mereka terlambat datang ke suatu tempat atau acara. Ini bisa berupa alasan yang sah seperti kemacetan lalu lintas, keadaan darurat, atau masalah pribadi yang tak terduga.

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Excuse for Being Late

Kosa Kata:

  1. Traffic (lalu lintas)
  2. Accident (kecelakaan)
  3. Public transportation delay (keterlambatan transportasi umum)
  4. Overslept (terlambat bangun)
  5. Family emergency (darurat keluarga)
  6. Car trouble (masalah mobil)
  7. Doctor’s appointment (janji dengan dokter)
  8. Forgot something at home (lupa sesuatu di rumah)
  9. Weather conditions (kondisi cuaca)
  10. Got lost (tersesat)
  11. Stuck in a meeting (terjebak dalam pertemuan)
  12. Internet or technical issues (masalah internet atau teknis)
  13. Childcare issue (masalah pengasuhan anak)
  14. Road closure (penutupan jalan)
  15. Miscommunication (kesalahan komunikasi)
  16. Train delay (keterlambatan kereta)
  17. Parking difficulties (kesulitan parkir)
  18. Health issue (masalah kesehatan)
  19. Flat tire (ban kempes)
  20. Alarm didn’t go off (alarm tidak berbunyi)
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Contoh Kalimat

  1. I’m sorry for being late, there was a major accident on the highway.
  2. My apologies for the delay, I overslept this morning.
  3. Traffic was unusually heavy today, causing me to arrive late.
  4. I got stuck in a long line at the coffee shop on my way here.
  5. There was a family emergency I had to attend to before leaving the house.
  6. I apologize, my car wouldn’t start this morning.
  7. I completely forgot about an important doctor’s appointment this morning.
  8. I left my laptop at home, so I had to turn back to retrieve it.
  9. I got lost on my way here due to construction detours.
  10. I’m sorry, the weather conditions made driving very difficult today.

Contoh Percakapan

A: “Sorry I’m late, there was a huge accident on the freeway.”
B: “No problem, as long as you’re okay. Traffic must have been terrible.”
A: “Yeah, it was a nightmare. Took me twice as long to get here.”
B: “Well, glad you made it in one piece. Let’s get started.”

Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda

  1. What is a common excuse for being late due to transportation issues?
    a) Overslept
    b) Traffic
    c) Family emergency
    d) Internet problems
  2. Which excuse suggests a problem with a vehicle?
    a) Doctor’s appointment
    b) Flat tire
    c) Miscommunication
    d) Parking difficulties
  3. What might cause someone to be late if they “got lost”?
    a) Weather conditions
    b) Oversleeping
    c) Accident
    d) Road closure
  4. If someone is late because they “forgot something at home,” what did they likely forget?
    a) Wallet
    b) Lunch
    c) Keys
    d) Phone
  5. What excuse might someone give if they were late due to a child-related issue?
    a) Car trouble
    b) Childcare issue
    c) Train delay
    d) Public transportation delay

Choose the correct answer for each question.

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