Expressing Offers, Ungkapan untuk Menawarkan Bantuan

Sematskill 2024 05 30T220130.727

Ketika kita ingin menawarkan bantuan atau sesuatu kepada seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa ungkapan yang bisa kita gunakan untuk memastikan tawaran kita disampaikan dengan sopan dan jelas. Menawarkan bantuan bisa dilakukan dalam berbagai situasi, baik formal maupun informal. Berikut ini adalah beberapa cara umum untuk mengekspresikan tawaran dalam bahasa Inggris beserta contohnya.

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Ungkapan untuk Menawarkan Bantuan

  1. Would you like…
  • “Would you like some help?”
  • “Would you like a cup of tea?”
  1. Can I…
  • “Can I help you with that?”
  • “Can I get you something to drink?”
  1. Shall I…
  • “Shall I open the window for you?”
  • “Shall I carry that bag for you?”
  1. Do you want me to…
  • “Do you want me to help you with your homework?”
  • “Do you want me to pick you up?”
  1. Let me…
  • “Let me help you with those boxes.”
  • “Let me get that for you.”
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Dialog dan Contoh

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh dialog yang menunjukkan cara mengekspresikan tawaran dalam berbagai situasi.

Contoh Dialog 1: Situasi di Rumah

  • Person A: “I’m having trouble carrying these groceries.”
  • Person B: “Would you like some help with those bags?”

Contoh Dialog 2: Situasi di Kantor

  • Person A: “I need to finish this report by today.”
  • Person B: “Can I help you with that?”

Contoh Dialog 3: Situasi di Sekolah

  • Person A: “I forgot my pen.”
  • Person B: “Shall I lend you mine?”

Contoh Dialog 4: Situasi di Restoran

  • Waiter: “Good evening. Would you like to see the menu?”
  • Customer: “Yes, please. Thank you.”

Contoh Dialog 5: Situasi di Toko

  • Customer: “I can’t find the milk.”
  • Shop Assistant: “Do you want me to show you where it is?”


Latihan 1: Melengkapi Kalimat
Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan ungkapan yang sesuai untuk menawarkan bantuan:

  1. “You look tired. __ a cup of coffee?”
  2. “That box looks heavy. __ carry it for you?”
  3. “You’re working late. __ help you with the project?”
  4. “The room is hot. __ open the window?”
  5. “You’re struggling with that problem. __ give you a hand?”


  1. Would you like
  2. Shall I
  3. Can I
  4. Shall I
  5. Let me

Latihan 2: Membuat Dialog
Buatlah dialog singkat menggunakan ungkapan untuk menawarkan bantuan berdasarkan situasi berikut:

  1. Situasi: Temanmu kesulitan mengerjakan tugas matematika.
  2. Situasi: Di pesta, seorang tamu terlihat kesulitan membawa banyak piring.
  3. Situasi: Seorang rekan kerja membutuhkan printer tetapi tidak tahu cara menggunakannya.

Contoh Jawaban:

  • Teman: “I’m stuck with this math problem.”
  • Kamu: “Do you want me to help you with it?”
  • Tamu: “I can’t hold all these plates.”
  • Kamu: “Shall I take some of them for you?”
  • Rekan Kerja: “I need to print this document, but I don’t know how to use the printer.”
  • Kamu: “Can I show you how to use it?”

Latihan 3: Memilih Ungkapan yang Tepat
Pilih ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk menawarkan bantuan dari pilihan berikut:

  1. “The room is dark.”
    a. “Would you like me to turn on the light?”
    b. “Shall I help you with the dark?”
  2. “I’m hungry.”
    a. “Do you want me to cook something?”
    b. “Can I help you with the food?”
  3. “My car broke down.”
    a. “Shall I fix it for you?”
    b. “Let me give you a ride.”


  1. a. “Would you like me to turn on the light?”
  2. a. “Do you want me to cook something?”
  3. b. “Let me give you a ride.”

Expressing Offers: Latihan Soal

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Berikut adalah latihan soal lengkap dengan tabel untuk membantu siswa memahami dan mempraktikkan ungkapan dalam menawarkan bantuan.

Latihan 1: Melengkapi Kalimat

Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan ungkapan yang sesuai untuk menawarkan bantuan:

1.You look tired. __ a cup of coffee?Would you like
2.That box looks heavy. __ carry it for you?Shall I
3.You’re working late. __ help you with the project?Can I
4.The room is hot. __ open the window?Shall I
5.You’re struggling with that problem. __ give you a hand?Let me


  1. Would you like
  2. Shall I
  3. Can I
  4. Shall I
  5. Let me

Latihan 2: Membuat Dialog

Buatlah dialog singkat menggunakan ungkapan untuk menawarkan bantuan berdasarkan situasi berikut:

1.Temanmu kesulitan mengerjakan tugas matematika.– Teman: “I’m stuck with this math problem.” – Kamu: “Do you want me to help you with it?”
2.Di pesta, seorang tamu terlihat kesulitan membawa banyak piring.– Tamu: “I can’t hold all these plates.” – Kamu: “Shall I take some of them for you?”
3.Seorang rekan kerja membutuhkan printer tetapi tidak tahu cara menggunakannya.– Rekan Kerja: “I need to print this document, but I don’t know how to use the printer.” – Kamu: “Can I show you how to use it?”

Latihan 3: Memilih Ungkapan yang Tepat

No.KalimatPilihan APilihan BJawaban
1.The room is dark.Would you like me to turn on the light?Shall I help you with the dark?A
2.I’m hungry.Do you want me to cook something?Can I help you with the food?A
3.My car broke down.Shall I fix it for you?Let me give you a ride.B

Latihan 4: Identifikasi Kesalahan

No.Ungkapan SalahUngkapan Benar
1.Could you say again, please?Could you say it again, please?
2.Repeat that, please.Could you repeat that, please?
3.I’m sorry, can you say again?I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you say it again?
4.Can you say it again, please?(benar)
5.Pardon me, what did you say?(benar)

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