How to say that someone feels suddenly unwell

Sematskill 2024 05 23T115427.426

“Mengatakan bahwa seseorang tiba-tiba merasa tidak sehat” adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan bahwa seseorang secara mendadak mulai merasa tidak baik secara fisik atau mengalami ketidaknyamanan dalam tubuh mereka. Deskripsi ini mencerminkan perubahan mendadak dalam kondisi kesehatan seseorang tanpa adanya tanda-tanda sebelumnya.

Deskripsi Rinci:

  1. Situasi Mendadak: Ungkapan ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan dalam kesehatan seseorang terjadi secara tiba-tiba dan tidak terduga. Tidak ada gejala sebelumnya yang menandakan bahwa mereka akan merasa tidak sehat.
  2. Gejala Fisik: Ini mengindikasikan bahwa seseorang mungkin mulai merasa sakit, lemah, mual, pusing, atau memiliki gejala fisik lainnya yang mengindikasikan ketidaknyamanan atau keterbatasan dalam kesejahteraan fisik mereka.
  3. Perasaan Umum: Ungkapan ini mencerminkan bahwa individu tersebut merasakan perubahan mendadak dalam kesejahteraan mereka secara keseluruhan, bukan hanya secara fisik tetapi juga mungkin secara emosional.
  4. Ketidaksiapan: Ungkapan ini menyoroti bahwa individu tersebut mungkin tidak siap atau tidak mengantisipasi perubahan mendadak dalam kesehatan mereka, yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas atau rencana yang telah mereka buat sebelumnya.
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15 Phrases:

  1. Out of the blue, he suddenly felt unwell.
  2. All of a sudden, she started feeling under the weather.
  3. Without warning, he began to feel sick.
  4. Unexpectedly, she was overcome with a sudden feeling of illness.
  5. Abruptly, he felt a wave of sickness wash over him.
  6. In an instant, she went from feeling fine to feeling unwell.
  7. Suddenly, he was hit by a bout of illness.
  8. Out of nowhere, she felt suddenly unwell.
  9. Without prior notice, he was taken aback by feeling unwell.
  10. Swiftly, she felt a surge of discomfort.
  11. In a split second, he was overcome by a feeling of sickness.
  12. Instantaneously, she felt her health decline.
  13. In the blink of an eye, he went from feeling healthy to feeling unwell.
  14. Within moments, she felt an onset of illness.
  15. Rapidly, he went from feeling okay to feeling unwell.
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Long Conversation:

John: Hey, Sarah, are you feeling alright?

Sarah: Actually, John, I’m not feeling too well. I’m suddenly feeling quite unwell.

John: Oh no, what happened? Did something trigger it?

Sarah: I’m not sure, it just hit me out of nowhere. I was fine a moment ago.

John: That sounds rough. Do you need me to call someone for help?

Sarah: No, I think I just need to sit down for a bit and drink some water. Thanks, though.

John: Alright, let me know if you need anything. Do you want me to get you some water?

Sarah: Yes, please, that would be great.

John: Here you go. Take it easy, Sarah. If you need anything else, just let me know.

Sarah: Thanks, John. I appreciate it.

30 Vocabulary:

  1. Suddenly
  2. Unwell
  3. Out of the blue
  4. Feeling under the weather
  5. Without warning
  6. Sick
  7. Unexpectedly
  8. Overcome
  9. Wave
  10. Illness
  11. Abruptly
  12. Bout
  13. Taken aback
  14. Discomfort
  15. Without prior notice
  16. Taken by surprise
  17. Swiftly
  18. Surge
  19. Split second
  20. Decline
  21. Blink of an eye
  22. Onset
  23. Rapidly
  24. Trigger
  25. Rough
  26. Hit
  27. Fine
  28. Moment ago
  29. Rough
  30. Need

Tentu, berikut adalah beberapa latihan soal lengkap untuk Anda. Silakan lengkapi setiap kalimat dengan kata-kata yang sesuai:

  1. __, she suddenly felt a surge of discomfort.
  2. Without __, he began to feel sick.
  3. All of a __, she started feeling under the weather.
  4. __ of the blue, he suddenly felt unwell.
  5. In a __ second, he was overcome by a feeling of sickness.
  6. __, she was hit by a bout of illness.
  7. __ suddenly felt a wave of sickness wash over him.
  8. In the __ of an eye, she went from feeling fine to feeling unwell.
  9. __ by surprise, he felt suddenly unwell.
  10. __, she felt an onset of illness.
  11. __ started feeling queasy and dizzy.
  12. __ without prior notice, she was taken aback by feeling unwell.
  13. __ feeling okay, he suddenly felt unwell.
  14. She was feeling fine, but __ she was overcome with a sudden feeling of illness.
  15. He felt perfectly healthy, but __ he began to feel sick.
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  1. Rapidly
  2. warning
  3. sudden
  4. Out
  5. split
  6. Unexpectedly
  7. He
  8. blink
  9. Taken
  10. Within moments
  11. She
  12. Swiftly
  13. Moments ago
  14. Out of nowhere
  15. suddenly

Tentu, berikut adalah latihan soal menggunakan tabel. Isi tabel di bawah ini dengan informasi yang sesuai berdasarkan deskripsi masalah yang diberikan:

NoType of ProblemDescription of the Problem
1EngineThe car is making a strange knocking noise when accelerating.
2TransmissionThe gears are slipping, and it’s difficult to shift between gears.
3BrakesThere is a squeaking sound every time the brakes are applied.
4ElectricalThe dashboard lights flicker intermittently, and the radio cuts out unexpectedly.
5SuspensionThe car feels bouncy and unstable, especially when going over bumps.
6OverheatingThe temperature gauge quickly rises to the red zone after driving for a short distance.
7Unusual SmellThere is a strong odor of burning rubber coming from the engine compartment.
8Warning LightThe check engine light is illuminated, and the car seems to be losing power.
9Starting IssueIt takes several attempts to start the car, especially in cold weather.
10Unusual NoiseThere is a metallic grinding sound coming from underneath the car when turning corners.


NoType of ProblemDescription of the Problem
1EngineThe car is making a strange knocking noise when accelerating.
2TransmissionThe gears are slipping, and it’s difficult to shift between gears.
3BrakesThere is a squeaking sound every time the brakes are applied.
4ElectricalThe dashboard lights flicker intermittently, and the radio cuts out unexpectedly.
5SuspensionThe car feels bouncy and unstable, especially when going over bumps.
6OverheatingThe temperature gauge quickly rises to the red zone after driving for a short distance.
7Unusual SmellThere is a strong odor of burning rubber coming from the engine compartment.
8Warning LightThe check engine light is illuminated, and the car seems to be losing power.
9Starting IssueIt takes several attempts to start the car, especially in cold weather.
10Unusual NoiseThere is a metallic grinding sound coming from underneath the car when turning corners.

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