How To Say That Your Friends Are Waiting For You In The Restaurant

Sematskill 97

Frasa “How to say that your friends are waiting for you in the restaurant” adalah merupakan cara untuk menanyakan bagaimana mengatakan bahwa teman-teman Anda sedang menunggu Anda di restoran. Dalam konteks ini, kita mencari cara yang tepat untuk mengungkapkan informasi tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Kalimat yang Tepat

  1. My friends are waiting for me in the restaurant.
  • Teman-teman saya sedang menunggu saya di restoran.
  1. I have friends waiting for me at a table in the restaurant.
  • Saya punya teman-teman yang menunggu saya di meja di restoran.
  1. My friends are already seated in the restaurant.
  • Teman-teman saya sudah duduk di dalam restoran.
  1. There are friends of mine waiting for me inside the restaurant.
  • Ada teman-teman saya yang menunggu saya di dalam restoran.
  1. I’m meeting my friends who are already at the restaurant.
  • Saya bertemu dengan teman-teman saya yang sudah berada di restoran.
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Contoh Kosa Kata Terkait

  1. Friends – Teman-teman
  2. Restaurant – Restoran
  3. Waiting – Menunggu
  4. Table – Meja
  5. Seated – Duduk
  6. Inside – Di dalam
  7. Meet – Bertemu
  8. Reservation – Reservasi
  9. Party (group) – Kelompok
  10. Booking – Pemesanan
  11. Available – Tersedia
  12. Confirm – Konfirmasi
  13. Cancel – Membatalkan
  14. Change – Mengubah
  15. Arrival – Kedatangan
  16. Preference – Preferensi
  17. Section – Bagian
  18. Menu – Menu
  19. Vegetarian – Vegetarian
  20. Celebrate – Merayakan

Contoh Percakapan (10)

Percakapan 1

A: Good evening, I’d like to book a table for two.
B: Certainly, for what time and date?

Percakapan 2

A: Do you have any available tables for tonight?
B: Let me check. Yes, we have a table at 7 PM.

Percakapan 3

A: My friends are waiting for me in the restaurant.
B: Can you please give me their name or the reservation name?

Percakapan 4

A: We prefer a non-smoking area.
B: No problem. We have a table available in the non-smoking section.

Percakapan 5

A: Can we have a table by the window?
B: Sure, let me see if we have one available.

Percakapan 6

A: I would like to make a reservation for 7 PM.
B: How many people will be in your party?

Percakapan 7

A: I need to change the time of my reservation.
B: Of course, what is your new preferred time?

Percakapan 8

A: Is there a dress code at your restaurant?
B: Yes, we have a smart casual dress code.

Percakapan 9

A: We’ll be celebrating a birthday.
B: Wonderful! Would you like us to prepare a special dessert?

Percakapan 10

A: Do you have vegetarian options available?
B: Yes, we have a variety of vegetarian dishes on our menu.

Latihan Soal

Latihan Soal: Memesan Meja di Restoran

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Tabel Soal

PertanyaanPilihan Jawaban
1. How many people will be in your party?A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
2. What time and date would you like to book?A. Friday at 7 PM
B. Saturday at 6 PM
C. Sunday at 8 PM
D. Monday at 5 PM
3. Do you have any seating preferences?A. Near the bar
B. By the window
C. In a private room
D. Anywhere is fine
4. Is there any special occasion you’re celebrating?A. Birthday
B. Anniversary
C. Graduation
D. No special occasion
5. Can you provide a contact number for the reservation?A. (555) 123-4567
B. (555) 987-6543
C. (555) 234-5678
D. (555) 876-5432


NoPertanyaanJawaban Benar
1How many people will be in your party?B
2What time and date would you like to book?A
3Do you have any seating preferences?D
4Is there any special occasion you’re celebrating?D
5Can you provide a contact number for the reservation?B

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