Personal Pronoun, Contoh Kalimat, Rumus dan Latihan Soal Lengkap

Sematskill 27

Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang, benda, atau hal lain dalam kalimat. Personal pronoun menggantikan nama orang, tempat, atau benda yang sudah disebut sebelumnya, dan membantu menghindari pengulangan kata yang berlebihan dalam percakapan atau tulisan.

Jenis-jenis personal pronoun

image 55

Ada beberapa jenis personal pronoun dalam bahasa Inggris, yang dibedakan berdasarkan fungsi dan posisinya dalam kalimat. Berikut adalah contoh-contoh personal pronoun:

Subject Pronouns (Personal Pronoun Subjek):

    • I, you, he, she, it, we, they
    • Contoh: She is a doctor. (Dia adalah seorang dokter.)

    Object Pronouns (Personal Pronoun Objek):

      • me, you, him, her, it, us, them
      • Contoh: They invited me to their party. (Mereka mengundang saya ke pesta mereka.)
      1. Possessive Pronouns (Personal Pronoun Kepunyaan):
      • mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
      • Contoh: This book is mine. (Buku ini milik saya.)

      Reflexive Pronouns (Personal Pronoun Reflexif):

        • myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
        • Contoh: He hurt himself while playing football. (Dia melukai dirinya sendiri saat bermain sepak bola.)

        Intensive Pronouns (Personal Pronoun Intensif):

          • same forms as reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
          • Contoh: I myself will take care of the matter. (Saya sendiri yang akan menangani masalah ini.) contoh kalimat personal pronoun

          Contoh Kalimat Personal Pronoun

          image 54
          1. Dia membawa bukunya ke sekolah setiap hari. (She brings her book to school every day.)
          2. Kami akan pergi berlibur akhir pekan ini. (We are going on vacation this weekend.)
          3. Apakah kamu sudah membayar tagihan listrikmu? (Have you paid your electricity bill?)
          4. Mereka menonton film favorit mereka di bioskop. (They watched their favorite movie at the cinema.)
          5. Aku tidak bisa menemukan kunci mobilku. (I can’t find my car keys.)
          6. Apakah kamu akan bertemu dengannya di restoran? (Are you going to meet her at the restaurant?)
          7. Anjing itu sangat lucu. Saya suka dengannya. (That dog is very cute. I like it.)
          8. Apakah kamu ingin minum kopi atau teh? (Do you want to drink coffee or tea?)
          9. Dia memberi saya sebuah buku sebagai hadiah ulang tahun. (She gave me a book as a birthday present.)
          10. Mereka menemukan telepon mereka di dalam tasnya. (They found their phone in their bag.)

          Contoh Soal personal pronoun

          1. Is this book yours or __?
            a) my
            b) mine
            c) our
            d) us
          2. She invited __ to her birthday party.
            a) he
            b) him
            c) his
            d) herself
          3. They will bring __ own food to the picnic.
            a) they
            b) them
            c) their
            d) theirs
          4. My sister and __ went to the mall yesterday.
            a) she
            b) her
            c) hers
            d) they
          5. Did you see __ at the meeting yesterday?
            a) he
            b) him
            c) his
            d) herself
          6. The car keys are on the table. Are they __?
            a) you
            b) your
            c) yours
            d) our
          7. The teacher asked __ to stay after class for a few minutes.
            a) we
            b) us
            c) our
            d) ours
          8. We have to finish the project by __ next week.
            a) we
            b) our
            c) ours
            d) ourselves
          9. __ dog is very friendly.
            a) She
            b) Her
            c) Hers
            d) They
          10. Have you seen __ new car?
            a) she
            b) her
            c) hers
            d) they

          Cobalah untuk memilih jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan konteks dan peran personal pronoun dalam setiap kalimat.

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