Phrase for Agreeing, Tunjukan Rasa Setuju dengan Kalimat Berikut

Sematskill 41

Frase untuk mengekspresikan persetujuan dapat bervariasi tergantung pada konteks dan tingkat keformalan situasi. Berikut adalah beberapa frase yang umum digunakan untuk mengekspresikan persetujuan.

Frase-fraze ini dapat digunakan dalam berbagai situasi, mulai dari percakapan santai hingga situasi yang lebih formal. Pilihlah frase yang sesuai dengan konteks dan tingkat keformalan percakapan Anda.

Contoh Kalimat Hafalan

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  1. I agree. (Saya setuju.)
  2. That’s right. (Itu benar.)
  3. Exactly. (Tepat sekali.)
  4. I couldn’t agree more. (Saya tidak bisa setuju lebih.)
  5. You’re absolutely right. (Anda benar-benar benar.)
  6. I’m with you on that. (Saya setuju dengan Anda tentang itu.)
  7. Precisely. (Dengan tepat.)
  8. Indeed. (Memang.)
  9. Absolutely. (Pasti.)
  10. I second that. (Saya mendukung hal itu.)

Kalimat Sopan

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  1. “I agree.”
  2. “That’s a valid point.”
  3. “I concur.”
  4. “I share your sentiment.”
  5. “You’re right.”
  6. “I’m inclined to agree.”
  7. “Your perspective is well-founded.”
  8. “I’m of the same opinion.”
  9. “You’ve made an excellent observation.”
  10. “I’m in alignment with your thinking.”

Contoh Pecakapan

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Anna: Did you enjoy the movie last night?

Ben: Absolutely! It was fantastic. I loved every minute of it.

Anna: I agree. The plot was so engaging, and the acting was superb.

Ben: Exactly! I couldn’t agree more. And the special effects were amazing too.

Anna: That’s right. It was definitely one of the best movies I’ve seen in a while.

Ben: I’m with you on that. I think it’s going to be a big hit.

Anna: Precisely. I have no doubt about that. Everyone should see it.

Ben: Indeed. I’ll definitely recommend it to all my friends.

Anna: Absolutely. They won’t be disappointed.

Latihan Soal

Pilihlah frase yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi setiap dialog.

1. Dialog:

A: Have you tried the new restaurant downtown?

B: ____! I went there last week, and the food was amazing.

a) Exactly
b) No, I haven’t
c) I don’t know

2. Dialog:

A: Do you think we should go for a hike this weekend?

B: ____. The weather forecast looks perfect for it.

a) I’m not sure
b) Absolutely
c) What do you think

3. Dialog:

A: I believe we need to prioritize customer satisfaction in our business strategy.

B: ____. Customer satisfaction should always be our top priority.

a) That’s right
b) I don’t agree
c) Why not

4. Dialog:

A: The new policy will streamline our workflow and improve efficiency.

B: ____. It’s about time we implemented some changes.

a) I’m with you on that
b) I couldn’t agree more
c) I don’t think so

5. Dialog:

A: Don’t you think the new album by that band is great?

B: ____. It’s definitely one of their best works.

a) I’m not sure
b) Precisely
c) I have no opinion


  1. a) Exactly
  2. b) Absolutely
  3. a) That’s right
  4. b) I couldn’t agree more
  5. b) Precisely

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