Phrase For Agreeing, Cara Memberikan Kalimat Setuju Dengan Mudah

Sematskill 42

“Phrase for agreeing” adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan persetujuan atau kesepakatan dengan pernyataan atau pendapat yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Anda setuju dengan apa yang dikatakan orang lain atau dengan situasi yang ada. Biasanya, ungkapan-ungkapan ini digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari untuk menunjukkan kesepakatan atau persetujuan Anda terhadap sesuatu. Misalnya, jika seseorang mengatakan “Hari ini cuacanya sangat bagus, bukan?” Anda bisa merespons dengan “Absolutely!” atau “Tentu saja!” untuk menunjukkan bahwa Anda setuju dengan pernyataannya.

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Kosa Kata

  1. “Exactly” (Tepat sekali)
  2. “Indeed” (Memang)
  3. “You’re right” (Anda benar)
  4. “That’s true” (Itu benar)
  5. “I agree” (Saya setuju)
  6. “Definitely” (Pasti)
  7. “Absolutely” (Sangat setuju)
  8. “Without a doubt” (Tanpa ragu)
  9. “No doubt about it” (Tidak ada keraguan tentang itu)
  10. “I couldn’t agree more” (Saya tidak bisa lebih setuju lagi)
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Contoh Dialog

Dialog 1

Ujang: “The new restaurant in town has amazing food, don’t you think, Siti?”

Siti: “Absolutely! I tried their dishes last week, and they were delicious.”

Ujang: “I couldn’t agree more. Their pasta was fantastic!”

Siti: “Definitely! And the ambiance there is so cozy too.”

Ujang: “You’re right. We should definitely go there again sometime.”

Dialog 2

Amar: “I think starting our project early next week would be a good idea, don’t you agree, Hindun?”

Hindun: “Indeed, Amar. The sooner we start, the better our chances of success.”

Amar: “Exactly. Plus, it gives us more time to make any necessary adjustments along the way.”

Hindun: “I couldn’t agree more. Let’s aim to get everything organized by Monday.”

Amar: “Absolutely. Monday it is then. Thanks for being on the same page, Hindun.”

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Latihan Soal

Read the scenarios below and choose the appropriate phrase for agreeing to respond to each situation.

Scenario 1:
Friend: “I think watching movies at home is more enjoyable than going to the cinema, don’t you think?”
Choose the correct phrase for agreeing.

    • [a) No doubt about it.
    • b) I disagree.
    • [c) I’m not sure.

    Scenario 2:
    Colleague: “The new project proposal looks promising, don’t you agree?”
    Choose the correct phrase for agreeing.

      • [a) I disagree.
      • b) Without a doubt.
      • c) Maybe.

      Scenario 3:
      Teacher: “Studying regularly is the key to success in exams, wouldn’t you say?”
      Choose the correct phrase for agreeing.

        • a) You’re right.
        • b) I’m not sure.
        • c) I disagree.

        Scenario 4:
        Parent: “Spending quality time with family is important, don’t you think?”
        Choose the correct phrase for agreeing.

          • a) Absolutely.
          • b) I’m not sure.
          • c) I disagree.

          Scenario 5:
          Boss: “Implementing the new software will streamline our workflow, wouldn’t you agree?”
          Choose the correct phrase for agreeing.

            • a) No doubt about it.
            • b) I’m not sure.
            • c) I disagree.

            Kunci Jawaban

            1. a) No doubt about it.
            2. b) Without a doubt.
            3. a) You’re right.
            4. a) Absolutely.
            5. a) No doubt about it.

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