Hafalan untuk Pemula: Phrase for Apologing, Berikut Kosa Kata dan Contoh Percakapan

Sematskill 32

Phrase for Apologing merupakan suatu kalimat ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta maaf. Adapun beberapa contoh Phrase for Apologing adalah sebagai berikut.

  1. I’m sorry.
  2. I apologize.
  3. Please forgive me.
  4. I beg your pardon.
  5. Excuse me.
  6. My apologies.
  7. I’m truly sorry.
  8. I’m so sorry about that.
  9. I regret [doing something].
  10. I owe you an apology.

Panduan Menggunakan Phrase for Apologing

  1. Mulailah dengan mengungkapkan penyesalan atau permintaan maaf secara langsung, misalnya: “I’m sorry” atau “I apologize.”
  2. Jelaskan alasan atau penjelasan atas tindakan yang menimbulkan permintaan maaf, jika diperlukan.
  3. Tawarkan solusi atau kompensasi, jika sesuai.
  4. Pastikan permintaan maaf Anda jujur dan tulus.

Contoh frasa permintaan maaf

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  • “I’m sorry for being late. There was heavy traffic on the way.”
  • “I apologize for forgetting your birthday. It completely slipped my mind.”
  • “Please forgive me for any inconvenience I may have caused.”
  • “I’m truly sorry for my mistake. It won’t happen again.”

Tidak ada rumus pasti, namun penting untuk mengungkapkan penyesalan Anda dengan jujur dan tulus.

Contoh Percakapan

Percakapan 1

Tini: Hey Toni, I need to apologize for what happened yesterday.
Toni: Oh, what happened?
Tini: I accidentally spilled coffee on your laptop while we were working on the project.
Toni: Oh no, really? Is it okay?
Tini: I’m so sorry, Toni. I feel terrible about it. I’ll do everything I can to fix or replace it.
Toni: It’s alright, Tini. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to make it right. Thank you for apologizing.
Tini: Thank you for understanding, Toni. I’ll make sure to be more careful in the future.

Percakapan 2

Semar: Hey Dawala, I owe you an apology for what happened last week.
Dawala: Oh? What happened, Semar?
Semar: I accidentally forgot to return your book that I borrowed.
Dawala: Oh, that’s alright. I was wondering where it went, but I appreciate you letting me know.
Semar: Still, I feel bad about it. I promise I’ll return it to you first thing tomorrow.
Dawala: No worries, Semar. I understand that these things happen. Just try to remember next time!
Semar: Absolutely, I’ll make sure to be more responsible. Thanks for being so understanding, Dawala.

Percakapan 3

Tiwi: Hi Rahel, I need to apologize for what happened yesterday.
Rahel: Oh, what happened, Tiwi?
Tiwi: I accidentally spilled juice on your new dress at the party.
Rahel: Oh no, really? Is it stained?
Tiwi: I’m so sorry, Rahel. I feel terrible about it. I’ll take it to the dry cleaner and cover the cost of cleaning.
Rahel: It’s okay, Tiwi. Accidents happen. I appreciate you taking responsibility for it.
Tiwi: Thank you for understanding, Rahel. I promise to be more careful next time.
Rahel: No problem, Tiwi. Just be more mindful in the future. I appreciate your apology.

Latihan Soal

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Tentu, berikut beberapa latihan soal tentang frase untuk meminta maaf:

  1. Pilih frasa yang tepat untuk meminta maaf atas keterlambatan Anda dalam mengirimkan email.
    a) “I’m sorry for the delay in sending the email.”
    b) “I forgot to send the email.”
    c) “I’m sorry, I was busy.”
    d) “I didn’t mean to delay the email.”
  2. Pilih frasa yang sesuai untuk meminta maaf karena telah membuat kesalahan dalam perhitungan anggaran.
    a) “I apologize for my mistake in the budget calculations.”
    b) “It’s not my fault.”
    c) “The budget calculations were incorrect.”
    d) “I didn’t mean to mess up the budget.”
  3. Mana yang merupakan permintaan maaf yang sopan untuk digunakan dalam situasi profesional?
    a) “Sorry about that.”
    b) “My apologies for the inconvenience caused.”
    c) “It wasn’t my fault.”
    d) “I didn’t mean to mess up.”
  4. Pilih frase yang paling sesuai untuk meminta maaf kepada teman Anda karena telah melupakan ulang tahun mereka.
    a) “I forgot your birthday.”
    b) “You’re overreacting.”
    c) “It’s not a big deal.”
    d) “I apologize for forgetting your birthday.”
  5. Mana yang merupakan cara yang tepat untuk meminta maaf jika Anda telah membuat kesalahan yang signifikan dalam pekerjaan Anda?
    a) “Sorry, I didn’t mean to mess up.”
    b) “I regret to inform you…”
    c) “It’s not my fault.”
    d) “I apologize for the mistake I made in my work.”

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