Phrase For Disagreeing, Cara Mudah Ungkapkan Kalimat Tak Setuju

Sematskill 43

“Phrase for disagreeing” adalah ungkapan atau frase yang digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidaksetujuan atau perbedaan pendapat terhadap suatu pernyataan atau pandangan yang telah disampaikan sebelumnya. Ketika seseorang menggunakan frase ini, mereka menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki pandangan yang berbeda atau tidak sependapat dengan orang lain terkait topik yang sedang dibicarakan.

Ungkapan untuk tidak setuju ini penting dalam komunikasi karena memungkinkan seseorang untuk menyampaikan sudut pandang atau perspektif yang berbeda secara sopan dan jelas. Ini membantu mendorong diskusi yang seimbang dan memungkinkan orang-orang untuk memahami bahwa setiap orang memiliki pendapat yang berbeda.

Dalam situasi sehari-hari, ungkapan-ungkapan ini digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidaksetujuan dengan baik dalam percakapan informal maupun formal. Misalnya, ketika seseorang mengusulkan ide atau pendapat, yang lain dapat menggunakan frase untuk tidak setuju secara sopan, tetapi tegas.

Dengan demikian, “phrase for disagreeing” memainkan peran penting dalam komunikasi yang efektif, karena membantu mengakomodasi berbagai pandangan dan pendapat dalam percakapan.

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Kosa Kata Hafalan

  1. I disagree – Saya tidak setuju.
  2. I’m afraid I can’t agree – Maaf, saya tidak bisa setuju.
  3. I beg to differ – Saya meminta maaf, tapi saya memiliki pandangan yang berbeda.
  4. That’s not how I see it – Itu tidak sesuai dengan pandangan saya.
  5. I’m of a different opinion – Saya memiliki pendapat yang berbeda.
  6. Respectfully, I disagree – Dengan hormat, saya tidak setuju.
  7. I’m not convinced – Saya tidak terpengaruh.
  8. I have to disagree with that – Saya harus tidak setuju dengan itu.
  9. With all due respect, I disagree – Dengan segala hormat, saya tidak setuju.
  10. That doesn’t quite align with my perspective – Itu tidak cukup sejalan dengan perspektif saya.
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  1. Susi: “I think we should implement this new policy immediately.”
    Ayu: “I respectfully disagree. I believe we need more time to assess its potential impact.”
  2. Susi: “I don’t think climate change is a pressing issue.”
    Ayu: “I have to disagree with you there. The evidence overwhelmingly supports the urgency of addressing climate change.”
  3. Susi: “I believe that raising taxes is the best way to stimulate the economy.”
    Ayu: “Actually, I disagree. History has shown that reducing taxes can be more effective in spurring economic growth.”
  4. Susi: “I think we should cancel the project and start over.”
    Ayu: “I understand your perspective, but I disagree. I think with some adjustments, we can salvage the project.”
  5. Susi: “The new restaurant in town is amazing, don’t you think?”
    Ayu: “Hmm, I have to disagree. I found the food quite mediocre and the service lacking.”
  6. Susi: “I think we should invest all our resources in marketing.”
    Ayu: “I respectfully disagree. I believe we should prioritize improving our product quality first.”
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Latihan Soal

  1. Statement: “I believe social media is beneficial for mental health.”
    a) “I couldn’t agree more.”
    b) “I’m afraid I have to disagree.”
    c) “Absolutely, social media has many advantages.”
  2. Statement: “The government’s new tax policy will greatly benefit the middle class.”
    a) “I agree with you.”
    b) “I’m not sure about that.”
    c) “I respectfully disagree; the policy may disproportionately burden the middle class.”
  3. Statement: “The best way to combat unemployment is by increasing minimum wage.”
    a) “Exactly my thoughts!”
    b) “I disagree; raising minimum wage could lead to job loss.”
    c) “Absolutely, increasing minimum wage will solve unemployment issues.”
  4. Statement: “I think we should allocate more resources to advertising.”
    a) “I totally agree.”
    b) “I respectfully disagree; we should focus on product development.”
    c) “Absolutely, advertising is the key to success.”
  5. Statement: “In my opinion, renewable energy sources are not reliable enough.”
    a) “I’m afraid I have to disagree.”
    b) “I couldn’t agree more.”
    c) “Exactly, renewable energy sources are still too unpredictable.”
  6. Statement: “The company should prioritize expanding its international market.”
    a) “I’m not so sure about that.”
    b) “I couldn’t agree more.”
    c) “I respectfully disagree; focusing on local market consolidation might be more beneficial.”


  1. b) “I’m afraid I have to disagree.”
  2. c) “I respectfully disagree; the policy may disproportionately burden the middle class.”
  3. b) “I disagree; raising minimum wage could lead to job loss.”
  4. b) “I respectfully disagree; we should focus on product development.”
  5. a) “I’m afraid I have to disagree.”
  6. c) “I respectfully disagree; focusing on local market consolidation might be more beneficial.”

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