Phrase For Invitation, Ungkapan Untuk Mengundang Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sematskill 46

“Phrase for invitation” merujuk pada kalimat atau ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengundang seseorang untuk hadir dalam suatu acara atau kegiatan.

Contoh Ungkapan

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Penjelasan untuk ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. “I would like to invite you to…”: Ungkapan ini secara langsung menyatakan niat Anda untuk mengundang seseorang untuk hadir dalam suatu acara atau kegiatan.
  2. “We would love for you to join us at…”: Frase ini menunjukkan kesediaan dan keinginan Anda untuk menyambut kehadiran seseorang dalam acara atau kegiatan tertentu.
  3. “You’re cordially invited to…”: Ungkapan ini mengindikasikan bahwa undangan yang diberikan bersifat formal dan disampaikan dengan penuh keramahan.
  4. “We hope you can come to…”: Frase ini mengekspresikan harapan Anda bahwa seseorang akan dapat hadir dalam acara atau kegiatan yang Anda rencanakan.
  5. “I’d like to extend an invitation to you for…”: Ungkapan ini menyatakan niat Anda untuk menyampaikan undangan kepada seseorang dalam acara atau kegiatan tertentu.
  6. “You’re invited to join us for…”: Frase ini secara langsung menyatakan undangan Anda kepada seseorang untuk bergabung dalam suatu acara atau kegiatan.
  7. “We’re having [event/activity], and we’d love it if you could be there!”: Ungkapan ini menunjukkan keinginan Anda untuk melibatkan seseorang dalam acara atau kegiatan yang akan Anda adakan.
  8. “It would be great to see you at…”: Frase ini mengekspresikan antusiasme Anda untuk bertemu dengan seseorang dalam suatu acara atau kegiatan.
  9. “Consider this your official invitation to…”: Ungkapan ini menegaskan bahwa undangan yang disampaikan bersifat resmi dan dianggap sebagai undangan yang sah.
  10. “We hope you can make it to…”: Frase ini menyatakan harapan Anda bahwa seseorang akan dapat hadir dalam acara atau kegiatan yang telah Anda atur.


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Dialog 1

Ayu: Hi Susi, how are you?

Susi: Hi Ayu, I’m good, thank you. How about you?

Ayu: I’m doing well, thanks. Hey, I wanted to let you know that we’re having a barbecue at my place this Saturday. Would you like to join us?

Susi: Oh, that sounds like fun! I’d love to come. What time should I be there?

Ayu: Great! We’re starting at around 4 PM. Bring your favorite dish if you’d like, but it’s not necessary. We’ll have plenty of food.

Susi: Sounds good! I’ll definitely be there at 4. Thanks for inviting me, Ayu.

Ayu: Of course, Susi! Can’t wait to see you there!

Dialog 2

Ayu: Hi Rani, how’s it going?

Rani: Hi Ayu, I’m doing well, thank you. How about you?

Ayu: I’m good too, thanks for asking. Hey, I wanted to invite you to a movie night at my place this Friday. Are you free?

Rani: Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun! I’d love to join you. What movie are we watching?

Ayu: We’re thinking of watching a classic comedy, but we’re open to suggestions if you have any favorites.

Rani: Sounds great! Count me in. What time should I come over?

Ayu: Perfect! We’ll start around 7 PM. Feel free to bring any snacks or drinks you’d like to share.

Rani: Awesome! I’ll make sure to bring some popcorn. Thanks for inviting me, Ayu.

Ayu: Of course, Rani! It’s going to be a blast.

Latihan Soal

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  1. You want to invite your friend to your birthday party next Saturday. Which phrase would you use?
    a) “I’m hosting a barbecue in my backyard and would love for you to join us.”
    b) “We’re having a party to celebrate my birthday next weekend. Would you care to join us?”
    c) “I’d like to invite you to the opening night of the art exhibition at the gallery on Friday.”
  2. You’re planning a picnic with a group of friends in the park next Sunday. Which phrase is most suitable?
    a) “I’m organizing a picnic in the park next Saturday. I’d love it if you could come!”
    b) “We’re planning a movie night at my place this Friday. Would you be interested in joining us?”
    c) “Would you like to join us for dinner at my place tomorrow night?”
  3. You’re inviting your cousin to your housewarming party next month. Which phrase fits best?
    a) “We’re having a party to celebrate my birthday next weekend. Would you care to join us?”
    b) “You’re cordially invited to attend the wedding ceremony of John and Sarah on June 15th.”
    c) “I’m hosting a game night at my house next Saturday. It would be great if you could make it!”
  4. You’re inviting your colleague to a barbecue gathering at your place this weekend. Which phrase would you choose?
    a) “I’d like to invite you to the opening night of the art exhibition at the gallery on Friday.”
    b) “Are you free this Saturday? I’m hosting a barbecue in my backyard and would love for you to join us.”
    c) “Would you like to join us for dinner at my place tomorrow night?”
  5. You’re inviting your best friend to join you for a movie night at your house tomorrow. Which phrase is the most appropriate?
    a) “We’re planning a movie night at my place this Friday. Would you be interested in joining us?”
    b) “I’m organizing a picnic in the park next Saturday. I’d love it if you could come!”
    c) “Would you like to join us for dinner at my place tomorrow night?”


  1. b) “We’re having a party to celebrate my birthday next weekend. Would you care to join us?”
  2. a) “I’m organizing a picnic in the park next Saturday. I’d love it if you could come!”
  3. c) “I’m hosting a game night at my house next Saturday. It would be great if you could make it!”
  4. b) “Are you free this Saturday? I’m hosting a barbecue in my backyard and would love for you to join us.”
  5. a) “We’re planning a movie night at my place this Friday. Would you be interested in joining us?”

Feel free to customize this worksheet further or add more scenarios to suit your needs!

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