Phrase for Not Having an Opinion, Contoh Kalimat dan Latihan Soal

Sematskill 40

Frase “nothing have an opinion” sepertinya merupakan kesalahan penulisan atau pengaturan kalimat yang tidak benar. Jika Anda ingin menyatakan bahwa seseorang tidak memiliki pendapat tentang suatu hal, Anda dapat menggunakan frasa yang lebih tepat, seperti “have no opinion” atau “don’t have an opinion”.

Sehingga frasa yang benar adalah: “have no opinion” atau “don’t have an opinion”.

Contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat adalah:

  • “I’m sorry, but I don’t have an opinion on that matter.”
  • “She doesn’t have an opinion about the new policy yet.”
  • “We don’t have an opinion on which restaurant to choose for dinner.”

Contoh Kalimat Lengkap

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  1. “I’m sorry, but I have no opinion on that matter.”
  2. “She’s not having an opinion about the new policy until she reviews it thoroughly.”
  3. “We’re not having an opinion on which movie to watch tonight.”
  4. “He’s not having an opinion on the political debate because he hasn’t followed the news lately.”
  5. “They’re not having an opinion on the restaurant choice until they see the menu.”
  6. “The committee is not having an opinion on the proposal until further discussion.”
  7. “I’m not having an opinion on the matter until I gather more information.”
  8. “She’s not having an opinion on the issue because she feels uninformed.”
  9. “They’re not having an opinion on the candidate until they attend the debate.”
  10. “He’s not having an opinion on the project direction until he consults with his team.”

Contoh Percakapan

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Sara: Hey, Mark, what do you think about the new proposal for the marketing campaign?

Mark: Honestly, Sara, I have to admit that I nothing have an opinion on it yet.

Sara: Really? I was hoping to get your perspective on it.

Mark: Yeah, sorry about that. I haven’t had a chance to review it thoroughly.

Sara: That’s okay. Let me know if you have any thoughts after you’ve had a chance to look it over.

Mark: Will do. Thanks, Sara.

Latihan Soal

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  1. I’m sorry, but I __ on that topic yet.
    a) not having an opinion
    b) have no opinion
    c) nothing have an opinion
  2. She __ about the new regulations until she reads the full document.
    a) not having an opinion
    b) have no opinion
    c) nothing have an opinion
  3. We __ on which color to paint the walls in the living room.
    a) not having an opinion
    b) have no opinion
    c) nothing have an opinion
  4. He __ on the matter until he hears both sides of the argument.
    a) not having an opinion
    b) have no opinion
    c) nothing have an opinion
  5. They __ on the movie selection until they see the reviews.
    a) not having an opinion
    b) have no opinion
    c) nothing have an opinion


  1. b) have no opinion
  2. a) not having an opinion
  3. c) nothing have an opinion
  4. c) nothing have an opinion
  5. b) have no opinion

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