Cara Mudah Berkenalan dengan Orang Lain, Kuasai Phrases for Introduction

Sematskill 34

phrases for introductions merupakan suatu kalimat dalam bahasa inggris yang biasa digunakan untuk berkenalan dengan orang lain.

Contoh Kalimat phrases for introductions

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Here are some phrases you can use for introductions:

  1. “Hi, my name is [Your Name].”
  2. “Hello, I’m [Your Name].”
  3. “Hey there, I go by [Your Name].”
  4. “Good [morning/afternoon/evening], I’m [Your Name].”
  5. “Nice to meet you, I’m [Your Name].”
  6. “Greetings, my name’s [Your Name].”
  7. “Hi everyone, I’m [Your Name].”
  8. “Hey folks, I’m [Your Name].”
  9. “Hello, you can call me [Your Name].”
  10. “Good to see you all, I’m [Your Name].”

Dialogue phrases for introductions

Dialogue 1

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Rina: Hi Ani, I’m a bit nervous about meeting new people at the event tonight. Do you have any suggestions for introducing myself?
Ani: Hey Rina, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! You could start with a simple “Hi, I’m Rina,” or “Hello, my name is Rina.”
Rina: Yeah, those sound good. But I want to make it a bit more interesting. Any other ideas?
Ani: Sure! You could try something like “Hey there, I’m Rina,” or “Good evening, I go by Rina.”
Rina: Ooh, I like those! They sound friendly and approachable. What about in a more formal setting?
Ani: In that case, you might want to go with “Good evening, I’m Rina LastName,” or “Greetings, my name’s Rina.”
Rina: Got it. Thanks, Ani! I feel much more prepared now.
Ani: No problem, Rina! Just be yourself and let your personality shine through.

Dialugue 2

Adit: Hey Luri, I’m going to a networking event tomorrow, but I’m not sure how to introduce myself. Any ideas?
Luri: Hi Adit! Sure, there are a few phrases you could use depending on the situation. You could start with something like “Hi, I’m Adit,” or “Hello, my name is Adit.”
Adit: Those sound pretty standard. I was hoping for something a bit more unique.
Luri: I see what you mean. How about “Hey there, I’m Adit,” or “Good afternoon, I go by Adit”?
Adit: Oh, I like those! They’re a bit more casual and friendly. What about in a professional setting?
Luri: In that case, you might want to go with “Good evening, I’m Adit LastName,” or “Greetings, my name’s Adit.”
Adit: Right, those sound more appropriate for a business environment. Thanks for the suggestions, Luri!
Luri: No problem, Adit! Just remember to be confident and friendly when introducing yourself.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct phrase for each scenario.

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  1. You are meeting a new colleague at work.
    a) “Hi, nice to meet you.”
    b) “Hey, I’m glad to see you.”
    c) “Hello, my name is [Your Name].”
  2. You are introducing yourself to a group of classmates.
    a) “Good morning, everyone. I’m [Your Name].”
    b) “Hey guys, I’m [Your Name].”
    c) “Hi, my name’s [Your Name].”
  3. You are attending a formal networking event.
    a) “Greetings, I go by [Your Name].”
    b) “Hey there, nice to meet you.”
    c) “Hello, I’m [Your Name].”
  4. You are meeting someone for the first time in a casual setting.
    a) “Good afternoon, I’m [Your Name].”
    b) “Hey, I’m [Your Name].”
    c) “Hi, pleased to meet you.”

Exercise 2: Write an introduction for each scenario

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  1. Introduce yourself to your new neighbor.
  2. Introduce yourself to a potential client at a business conference.
  3. Introduce yourself to a friend of a friend at a party.
  4. Introduce yourself to your new manager on your first day of work.

Exercise 3: Role-play with a friend or family member. Take turns introducing yourselves using different phrases and scenarios.

These exercises will help you become more comfortable and confident with phrases for introductions in various situations.

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