Pola Kalimat Subject + Verb + Adverbial

Sematskill 2024 05 28T065950.135

Dalam bahasa Inggris, pola kalimat Subject + Verb + Adverbial (Subjek + Kata Kerja + Keterangan Waktu atau Tempat) digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang apa yang dilakukan oleh subjek dan di mana atau kapan kegiatan tersebut terjadi.

In linguistics, “subject,” “verb,” and “adjective” are fundamental parts of speech that play key roles in constructing sentences:

  1. Subject: The subject is typically the person, thing, or entity that performs the action described by the verb in a sentence. It is usually a noun or a pronoun. For example, in the sentence “Alice eats an apple,” “Alice” is the subject because she is the one performing the action (eating).
  2. Verb: The verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence. It conveys what the subject is doing or what is being done to the subject. In the sentence “Alice eats an apple,” “eats” is the verb because it describes the action performed by the subject, Alice.
  3. Adjective: An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun, providing more information about its qualities or characteristics. Adjectives can indicate size, color, shape, personality, and more. For instance, in the phrase “a red apple,” “red” is the adjective because it describes the color of the noun, apple.
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Contoh Kalimat

  1. She reads books every morning. (Dia membaca buku setiap pagi.)
  2. They play soccer in the park. (Mereka bermain sepak bola di taman.)
  3. He walked to school yesterday. (Dia berjalan ke sekolah kemarin.) Berikut adalah 20 contoh kalimat yang menggabungkan subjek, kata kerja, dan adverbial (kata keterangan) dalam bahasa Inggris:
  4. She walks slowly in the park.
  5. They play football enthusiastically every weekend.
  6. He reads books avidly at the library.
  7. The bird sings beautifully in the morning.
  8. We eat dinner together joyfully every evening.
  9. The train arrives punctually at the station.
  10. I study English diligently after school.
  11. They dance gracefully at the party.
  12. The dog barks loudly at night.
  13. She speaks English fluently with her friends.
  14. He drives carefully on the highway.
  15. They work hard in the office every day.
  16. The baby sleeps peacefully in the crib.
  17. We swim leisurely at the beach on Sundays.
  18. The wind blows strongly during the storm.
  19. She laughs happily with her siblings.
  20. They travel extensively around the world.
  21. He plays the guitar skillfully on stage.
  22. The sun shines brightly in the sky.
  23. We wait patiently for the bus at the bus stop.
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  • Subjek (Subject): Merupakan orang atau benda yang melakukan tindakan dalam kalimat.
  • Kata Kerja (Verb): Menunjukkan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh subjek.
  • Keterangan Waktu atau Tempat (Adverbial): Memberikan informasi tambahan tentang kapan atau di mana tindakan tersebut terjadi.

Fungsi Keterangan Waktu atau Tempat:

  • Keterangan Waktu (Adverb of Time): Memberikan informasi tentang kapan suatu kegiatan terjadi. Contohnya: every morning (setiap pagi), yesterday (kemarin), etc.
  • Keterangan Tempat (Adverb of Place): Memberikan informasi tentang di mana suatu kegiatan terjadi. Contohnya: in the park (di taman), to school (ke sekolah), etc.

Pola kalimat ini membantu kita untuk membuat kalimat yang lebih lengkap dan jelas dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menyertakan informasi tentang waktu atau tempat di mana kegiatan dilakukan.

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Latihan Soal

Sure, here are some multiple-choice practice questions focusing on identifying the subject, verb, and adverbial in sentences:

What is the subject, verb, and adverbial in the following sentence?
“The cat swiftly jumped over the fence.”

    • A) Subject: cat, Verb: swiftly, Adverbial: jumped
    • B) Subject: cat, Verb: jumped, Adverbial: over the fence
    • C) Subject: jumped, Verb: cat, Adverbial: swiftly
    • D) Subject: fence, Verb: over, Adverbial: the cat

    Identify the subject, verb, and adverbial in the sentence:
    “Sheila carefully painted the beautiful landscape.”

      • A) Subject: landscape, Verb: carefully, Adverbial: painted
      • B) Subject: landscape, Verb: painted, Adverbial: Sheila
      • C) Subject: Sheila, Verb: painted, Adverbial: carefully
      • D) Subject: Sheila, Verb: carefully, Adverbial: painted the beautiful landscape

      What are the subject, verb, and adverbial in this sentence?
      “The students eagerly awaited the test results.”

        • A) Subject: test results, Verb: awaited, Adverbial: eagerly
        • B) Subject: students, Verb: awaited, Adverbial: eagerly
        • C) Subject: students, Verb: eagerly, Adverbial: awaited the test results
        • D) Subject: awaited, Verb: students, Adverbial: eagerly

        Identify the subject, verb, and adverbial in the sentence:
        “The car suddenly stopped at the traffic light.”

          • A) Subject: car, Verb: suddenly, Adverbial: stopped
          • B) Subject: car, Verb: stopped, Adverbial: at the traffic light
          • C) Subject: suddenly, Verb: car, Adverbial: stopped
          • D) Subject: traffic light, Verb: at, Adverbial: the car suddenly

          What is the subject, verb, and adverbial in this sentence?
          “My friend quickly finished his homework.”

            • A) Subject: My friend, Verb: quickly, Adverbial: finished
            • B) Subject: homework, Verb: quickly, Adverbial: finished
            • C) Subject: friend, Verb: finished, Adverbial: My quickly
            • D) Subject: friend, Verb: quickly, Adverbial: finished his homework


            1. B) Subject: cat, Verb: jumped, Adverbial: over the fence
            2. C) Subject: Sheila, Verb: painted, Adverbial: carefully
            3. B) Subject: students, Verb: awaited, Adverbial: eagerly
            4. B) Subject: car, Verb: stopped, Adverbial: at the traffic light
            5. A) Subject: My friend, Verb: quickly, Adverbial: finished

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