Talking About Routines, Cara Mengungkapkan, Contoh Kalimat dan Latihan Soal

Sematskill 74


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Routine adalah serangkaian tindakan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan secara teratur dan berulang. Routines biasanya mengikuti pola tertentu dan seringkali dilakukan pada waktu yang sama setiap hari, minggu, atau dalam interval waktu lainnya. Tujuannya adalah untuk menciptakan keteraturan dan efisiensi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Contoh Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris

  1. She follows a strict morning routine to start her day.
  2. Exercising has become part of his daily routine.
  3. The children have a bedtime routine that includes reading a story.

Contoh Percakapan 1

Person A: What’s your morning routine like?
Person B: I usually wake up at 6 AM, do some stretching exercises, and then have breakfast. After that, I get ready for work.

Contoh Percakapan 2

Person A: Do you have a weekend routine?
Person B: Yes, on weekends I like to start my day with a long walk in the park, followed by a cup of coffee at my favorite café. In the afternoon, I usually catch up on some reading.

Contoh Percakapan 3

Person A: How do you manage to stay so organized?
Person B: I stick to a strict routine. I plan my tasks the night before and follow a schedule throughout the day. It really helps me stay on track.

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Kosa Kata

  1. Routine – Rutinitas
  2. Daily – Harian
  3. Morning – Pagi
  4. Evening – Malam
  5. Schedule – Jadwal
  6. Organize – Mengorganisir
  7. Exercise – Latihan
  8. Habit – Kebiasaan
  9. Task – Tugas
  10. Efficiency – Efisiensi
  11. Regular – Teratur
  12. Pattern – Pola
  13. Bedtime – Waktu tidur
  14. Weekend – Akhir pekan
  15. Café – Kafe
  16. Stretching – Peregangan
  17. Walk – Berjalan
  18. Reading – Membaca
  19. Plan – Merencanakan
  20. Track – Jejak/ Memantau
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Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda

1. What is the main purpose of having a routine?
a) To make life more complicated
b) To create order and efficiency in daily activities
c) To waste time
d) To avoid doing tasks

2. Which of the following is NOT typically part of a morning routine?
a) Brushing teeth
b) Having breakfast
c) Going to bed
d) Stretching exercises

3. “He follows a strict routine to stay organized.” The word “strict” in this sentence means:
a) Flexible
b) Rigid
c) Casual
d) Optional

4. Which sentence best describes a routine?
a) I go to bed at different times every night.
b) I usually wake up at 7 AM, have breakfast, and then go for a jog.
c) I never plan my day in advance.
d) I work whenever I feel like it.

5. What is a typical activity in a bedtime routine for children?
a) Reading a story
b) Doing homework
c) Playing video games
d) Having lunch

6. Which of the following phrases means the same as “daily routine”?
a) Occasional habit
b) Yearly schedule
c) Regular daily activities
d) Weekly plan

7. Why might someone follow a weekend routine?
a) To avoid work entirely
b) To maintain a sense of structure even on days off
c) To sleep all day
d) To change their schedule completely

8. Which word fits best in the sentence: “She likes to __ her tasks the night before.”
a) Disorganize
b) Plan
c) Forget
d) Ignore

9. In the context of routines, the word “efficiency” most likely means:
a) Wasting time
b) Completing tasks in the quickest and best way
c) Making things more complicated
d) Doing things randomly

10. What does the phrase “to stay on track” mean in terms of routines?
a) To get lost
b) To deviate from plans
c) To follow the planned schedule
d) To give up on routines

Kunci Jawaban

  1. b) To create order and efficiency in daily activities
  2. c) Going to bed
  3. b) Rigid
  4. b) I usually wake up at 7 AM, have breakfast, and then go for a jog.
  5. a) Reading a story
  6. c) Regular daily activities
  7. b) To maintain a sense of structure even on days off
  8. b) Plan
  9. b) Completing tasks in the quickest and best way
  10. c) To follow the planned schedule

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