Ways to Say Someone is Wrong

Sematskill 69

“Ways to Say Someone is Wrong” adalah kumpulan ungkapan atau kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa pendapat, asumsi, atau pernyataan seseorang tidak sesuai dengan fakta atau kebenaran. Ini mencakup beragam kosa kata dan frasa seperti “Incorrect”, “Wrong”, “Not right”, “Inaccurate”, dan sebagainya, yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa orang tersebut keliru atau salah dalam pandangannya.

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Kosa Kata

  1. Incorrect
  2. Wrong
  3. Not right
  4. Inaccurate
  5. Mistaken
  6. Off the mark
  7. Not accurate
  8. False
  9. Erroneous
  10. Flawed
  11. Misguided
  12. Faulty
  13. Not correct
  14. Wide of the mark
  15. Untrue
  16. Fallacious
  17. Incorrectly
  18. Falsely
  19. Misspoken
  20. Off base
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Contoh Kalimat

  1. “That’s incorrect, the answer is actually 15, not 25.”
  2. “Sorry, but you’re wrong about the date of the event. It’s next Friday, not this Friday.”
  3. “I’m afraid your assumption is mistaken; we actually lost money last quarter.”
  4. “Your analysis is off the mark; the real issue lies elsewhere.”
  5. “Unfortunately, your statement is inaccurate; the report clearly states otherwise.”
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Contoh Percakapan

A: “I believe the meeting is at 2:00 PM.”
B: “Sorry, you’re wrong. It’s scheduled for 3:00 PM.”

A: “I think the budget allocation should be higher for marketing.”
B: “Actually, you’re mistaken. The budget was increased for R&D, not marketing.”

A: Hey, I think the deadline for the project is next Monday.
B: Actually, you’re mistaken. The deadline was moved to Friday.

A: I heard that the new restaurant in town is amazing.
B: Hmm, I disagree. I tried it yesterday, and the food was quite disappointing.

A: I’m pretty sure the answer to question five is 42.
B: No, you’re wrong. I double-checked, and it’s actually 32.

A: This shortcut should lead us to the highway faster.
B: I don’t think so. My GPS says it’s the longer route.

A: I think the event starts at 7:00 PM.
B: Not quite. The invitation clearly states 6:30 PM.

A: Isn’t it true that polar bears hibernate during the winter?
B: No, that’s incorrect. Polar bears don’t hibernate; they remain active during the winter months.

A: I believe the capital of Australia is Sydney.
B: Sorry, but you’re mistaken. It’s actually Canberra.

A: The sales report shows a decrease in revenue this quarter.
B: That’s not accurate. We’ve actually seen an increase in sales according to the latest figures.

A: I’m certain that today is Tuesday.
B: Nope, you’re wrong. Today is Wednesday.

A: I think we should take this route to avoid traffic.
B: I disagree. This road always gets congested during rush hour.

Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda

  1. Which phrase means “not correct”?
    a) Incorrect
    b) Wide of the mark
    c) Faulty
    d) All of the above
  2. What is another way to say “wrong”?
    a) False
    b) Flawed
    c) Untrue
    d) All of the above
  3. Which word means “not accurate”?
    a) Inaccurate
    b) Misguided
    c) Off base
    d) All of the above
  4. What does the phrase “off the mark” mean?
    a) Incorrect
    b) Misguided
    c) Not accurate
    d) All of the above
  5. Which term means “not true”?
    a) Fallacious
    b) Erroneous
    c) Falsely
    d) All of the above

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