Conjunction dalam bahasa Inggris merujuk pada kata atau kelompok kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata, frasa, klausa, atau kalimat. Conjunction biasanya digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua atau lebih elemen dalam sebuah kalimat sehingga memperkuat hubungan antara mereka.
Daftar Isi
Jenis-jenis Conjunction
Ada tiga jenis utama conjunction dalam bahasa Inggris:
- Coordinating Conjunctions
Conjunction ini menghubungkan dua elemen yang setara, seperti dua kata, dua frasa, atau dua klausa yang memiliki tingkat penting yang sama. Contoh koordinasi conjunction meliputi “and” (dan), “but” (tapi), “or” (atau), “nor” (atau tidak), “for” (karena), dan “yet” (namun). Contoh: She likes coffee and she likes tea.” - Subordinating Conjunctions
Conjunction ini menghubungkan klausa subordinat (klausa yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat yang utuh) dengan klausa independen (klausa yang dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai kalimat yang utuh). Subordinating conjunction sering digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan sebab-akibat, waktu, tempat, tujuan, dan kondisi. Contoh subordinating conjunction meliputi “because” (karena), “since” (karena), “although” (meskipun), “while” (sambil), “when” (ketika), “where” (dimana), dan “if” (jika). Contoh: “I will go to the store if I have time.” - Correlative Conjunctions
Jenis ini adalah pasangan conjunction yang bekerja bersama untuk menghubungkan elemen dalam sebuah kalimat. Contoh correlative conjunction meliputi “both…and” (baik…maupun), “either…or” (entah…atau), “neither…nor” (tidak…dan tidak), “not only…but also” (tidak hanya…tetapi juga), “whether…or” (baik…maupun), dan “as…as” (sebagai…sebagai). Contoh: “She is not only intelligent but also hardworking.”
Contoh Kalimat Conjuction

coordinating conjunctions
- I want to go to the beach, but it’s raining outside.
- She likes to read books and watch movies.
- He is studying for his exam yet he keeps getting distracted.
- I want to travel to Europe or Asia next year.
- They will either go to the party or stay home and watch a movie.
- We can walk to the park or take the bus, it’s up to you.
- The cat is hiding under the bed nor in the closet.
- You can have pizza and salad for dinner.
- She is not only a talented singer but also a skilled dancer.
- He is a doctor but he also volunteers at the local clinic.
subordinating conjunctions
- I will go to the store if I have time.
- She can come to the party unless she has other plans.
- He stayed home because he was feeling sick.
- We will go for a walk after it stops raining.
- They couldn’t go to the concert since they didn’t have tickets.
- I will wait here until you come back.
- She studied hard although she was tired.
- We will go wherever you want to go.
- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- Because it was raining, we decided to stay indoors.
correlative conjunctions
- Both my parents and my teachers attended the school meeting.
- Either we finish the project on time or we risk losing the contract.
- Neither the cat nor the dog wants to go outside in the rain.
- She not only sings beautifully but also plays the piano exceptionally well.
- You can either have coffee with sugar or tea without milk.
- Not only did she forget her keys, but she also left her phone at home.
- Both the movie and the book tell the same story but with different details.
- Either we go for a walk now or we wait until after dinner.
- Neither the blue dress nor the red one fits me properly.
- He is not only a great athlete but also a talented musician.
Latihan Soal Conjuction

Baik, berikut adalah contoh soal tentang coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, dan correlative conjunctions:
Coordinating Conjunctions
- Pilih kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat: “She enjoys playing basketball, but …”
a) swimming
b) dancing
c) running
d) singing - Pilih pasangan conjunction yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat: “Not only he is good at sports, …”
a) but also he excels in academics.
b) also he excels in academics.
c) he also excels in academics.
d) he excels in academics too.
Subordinating Conjunctions
- Pilih kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat: “We went to the beach because …”
a) it’s a sunny day.
b) we needed to buy groceries.
c) she wanted to swim.
d) the park was crowded. - Pilih kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat: “She will go to the party if …”
a) it’s raining.
b) she finishes her work on time.
c) she is tired.
d) she has other plans.
Correlative Conjunctions
- Pilih pasangan conjunction yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat: “Either you come early, …”
a) nor we can start the meeting.
b) neither we can start the meeting.
c) or we can’t start the meeting.
d) but we can start the meeting. - Pilih kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat: “Both the movie and …”
a) we enjoyed the book.
b) the book we enjoyed.
c) we enjoyed the book too.
d) we enjoyed too the book.