Materi Bahasa Inggris: Ask and Give Information about Food

Sematskill 2024 06 09T082536.775

Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, sering kali kita perlu bertanya dan memberikan informasi tentang makanan. Pelajaran ini akan membantu Anda mempelajari kosakata dan struktur kalimat yang diperlukan untuk bertanya dan memberikan informasi mengenai makanan dalam bahasa Inggris.

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Kosakata yang Berguna

Jenis Makanan (Types of Food)

    • Appetizer (Hidangan Pembuka)
    • Main Course (Hidangan Utama)
    • Dessert (Hidangan Penutup)
    • Snack (Makanan Ringan)
    • Beverage (Minuman)

    Rasa (Taste)

      • Sweet (Manis)
      • Salty (Asin)
      • Sour (Asam)
      • Bitter (Pahit)
      • Spicy (Pedas)
      • Savory (Gurih)

      Tekstur (Texture)

        • Crunchy (Renyah)
        • Soft (Lembut)
        • Chewy (Kenyal)
        • Crispy (Garing)
        • Creamy (Krem)

        Metode Memasak (Cooking Methods)

          • Boiled (Direbus)
          • Fried (Digoreng)
          • Grilled (Dibakar)
          • Baked (Dipanggang)
          • Steamed (Dikukus)

          Struktur Kalimat untuk Bertanya Tentang Makanan

          Menanyakan Nama Makanan (Asking for the Name of the Food)

            • What is this dish called?
            • Could you tell me the name of this food?
            • What do you call this?

            Menanyakan Bahan (Asking about Ingredients)

              • What are the main ingredients in this dish?
              • Do you know what this is made of?
              • Can you tell me what’s in this?

              Menanyakan Rasa dan Tekstur (Asking about Taste and Texture)

                • How does it taste?
                • Is it sweet or savory?
                • What’s the texture like?

                Menanyakan Cara Memasak (Asking about Cooking Methods)

                  • How is this cooked?
                  • Do you know how they prepare this?
                  • Is it baked or fried?

                  Struktur Kalimat untuk Memberikan Informasi Tentang Makanan

                  Memberikan Nama Makanan (Giving the Name of the Food)

                    • This is called…
                    • The name of this dish is…
                    • We call this…

                    Memberikan Informasi Tentang Bahan (Giving Information about Ingredients)

                      • It is made with…
                      • The main ingredients are…
                      • This dish contains…

                      Memberikan Informasi Tentang Rasa dan Tekstur (Giving Information about Taste and Texture)

                        • It tastes…
                        • The texture is…
                        • It is very…

                        Menjelaskan Cara Memasak (Explaining Cooking Methods)

                          • It is usually…
                          • They cook it by…
                          • It is prepared by…
                          image 75

                          Contoh Dialog: Bertanya dan Memberikan Informasi Tentang Makanan

                          Contoh 1:
                          A: What is this dish called?
                          B: This is called spaghetti carbonara.

                          Contoh 2:
                          A: What are the main ingredients in this dish?
                          B: The main ingredients are spaghetti, eggs, Parmesan cheese, and pancetta.

                          Contoh 3:
                          A: How does it taste?
                          B: It tastes savory and slightly salty with a creamy texture.

                          Contoh 4:
                          A: How is this cooked?
                          B: It is prepared by boiling the spaghetti and then mixing it with the sauce ingredients in a pan.

                          Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda

                          How would you ask for the name of a dish in English?

                            • a) What is this dish called?
                            • b) What do you eat?
                            • c) How do you like this?
                            • d) What time is it?

                            If you want to know the main ingredients of a food, what should you ask?

                              • a) How does it taste?
                              • b) What are the main ingredients in this dish?
                              • c) What time is dinner?
                              • d) How is this cooked?

                              How would you describe a food that is both sweet and creamy?

                                • a) It tastes salty and crunchy.
                                • b) It is very sweet and creamy.
                                • c) It looks delicious and spicy.
                                • d) It is baked and chewy.

                                Which question would you ask to find out how a dish is prepared?

                                  • a) What is this called?
                                  • b) What are the main ingredients?
                                  • c) How is this cooked?
                                  • d) How does it look?

                                  What would be an appropriate response to someone asking, “How does it taste?”

                                    • a) It is called pizza.
                                    • b) The main ingredients are tomatoes and cheese.
                                    • c) It tastes sweet and a bit tangy.
                                    • d) It is fried in a pan.


                                    1. a) What is this dish called?
                                    2. b) What are the main ingredients in this dish?
                                    3. b) It is very sweet and creamy.
                                    4. c) How is this cooked?
                                    5. c) It tastes sweet and a bit tangy.

                                    Dengan mempelajari cara bertanya dan memberikan informasi tentang makanan dalam bahasa Inggris, Anda akan lebih percaya diri dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dalam situasi sehari-hari yang melibatkan makanan. Semoga bermanfaat!

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