Materi Bahasa Inggris Cara Memperkenlakan Orang Lain dan Menggambarkan Hobi

Sematskill 2024 05 30T012711.876

Berikut adalah materi bahasa Inggris untuk memperkenalkan orang lain dan menggambarkan hobi:

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Memperkenalkan Orang Lain

Introduction Phrases:

Frasa-frasa ini digunakan untuk memperkenalkan seseorang kepada orang lain dalam berbagai situasi. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh frasa dan penggunaannya:

  1. This is… (Ini adalah…)
  • Example: This is my friend, John. (Ini adalah teman saya, John.)
  1. He/She is… (Dia adalah…)
  • Example: She is my sister, Anna. (Dia adalah saudara perempuan saya, Anna.)
  1. Meet… (Kenalkan…)
  • Example: Meet my cousin, Michael. (Kenalkan, ini sepupu saya, Michael.)
  1. His/Her name is… (Namanya adalah…)
  • Example: His name is David. (Namanya David.)
  1. He/She works as… (Dia bekerja sebagai…)
  • Example: He works as a teacher. (Dia bekerja sebagai guru.)

Memperkenalkan Orang Lain

Introduction Phrases:

Contoh Percakapan:

Percakapan 1:

  • A: Hi, everyone. This is my friend, Lisa.
  • B: Nice to meet you, Lisa.
  • C: Hi, Lisa. What do you do?
  • Lisa: I’m a graphic designer. How about you?

Percakapan 2:

  • A: Meet my cousin, Tom.
  • B: Hello, Tom. It’s nice to meet you.
  • Tom: Nice to meet you too. What’s your name?
  • B: I’m Sarah.

Percakapan 3:

  • A: His name is David. He works as a teacher.
  • B: Hi, David. Where do you teach?
  • David: I teach at the local high school.

Percakapan 4:

  • A: She is my sister, Anna.
  • B: Hi, Anna. What are your hobbies?
  • Anna: I love painting and hiking.
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Menggambarkan Hobi

Describing Hobbies:
Frasa-frasa ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan hobi atau kegiatan yang disukai seseorang. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh frasa dan penggunaannya:

  • I enjoy… (Saya menikmati…)
  • Example: I enjoy reading books. (Saya menikmati membaca buku.)
  • He/She likes… (Dia suka…)
  • Example: She likes playing soccer. (Dia suka bermain sepak bola.)
  • My hobby is… (Hobi saya adalah…)
  • Example: My hobby is painting. (Hobi saya adalah melukis.)
  • He/She is interested in… (Dia tertarik pada…)
  • Example: He is interested in photography. (Dia tertarik pada fotografi.)
  • I spend my free time… (Saya menghabiskan waktu luang saya…)
  • Example: I spend my free time gardening. (Saya menghabiskan waktu luang saya berkebun.)

Menggambarkan Hobi

Describing Hobbies:

Contoh Percakapan:

Percakapan 1:

  • A: What do you like to do in your free time?
  • B: I enjoy playing guitar and singing. How about you?
  • A: I love painting and hiking.

Percakapan 2:

  • A: Do you have any hobbies?
  • B: Yes, my hobby is cooking. I like trying new recipes.
  • A: That sounds fun! I’m interested in photography.

Percakapan 3:

  • A: What are your hobbies?
  • B: I spend my free time gardening and reading books. You?
  • A: I like playing soccer and watching movies.

Percakapan 4:

  • A: She is interested in dancing. What about you?
  • B: I’m interested in swimming and playing tennis.
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Latihan Soal

Sure, here are some multiple-choice questions related to describing hobbies:

  1. Which phrase best describes someone who enjoys painting as a hobby?
    A) A bookworm
    B) An artist at heart
    C) A gym enthusiast
    D) A music lover
  2. What phrase would you use to describe someone passionate about photography?
    A) A shutterbug
    B) A couch potato
    C) A fashionista
    D) A chef extraordinaire
  3. Which of the following phrases is most likely to describe a person who loves gardening?
    A) A night owl
    B) A social butterfly
    C) A green thumb
    D) A tech geek
  4. What phrase characterizes someone who enjoys playing musical instruments?
    A) A couch potato
    B) A gym enthusiast
    C) A musician at heart
    D) A bookworm
  5. Which phrase best describes someone who enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and camping?
    A) A homebody
    B) A nature lover
    C) A fashionista
    D) A tech geek
  6. What phrase would you use to describe someone who enjoys cooking and experimenting with recipes?
    A) A foodie
    B) A bookworm
    C) A gym enthusiast
    D) A night owl
  7. Which phrase is most suitable for someone who loves reading books in their free time?
    A) A fashionista
    B) A bookworm
    C) A shutterbug
    D) A gym enthusiast
  8. What phrase characterizes someone who enjoys physical activities like running, cycling, or swimming?
    A) A couch potato
    B) A gym enthusiast
    C) A night owl
    D) A tech geek
  9. Which phrase best describes someone who enjoys watching and analyzing films?
    A) A movie buff
    B) A gym enthusiast
    C) A fashionista
    D) A bookworm
  10. What phrase would you use to describe someone who loves to travel and explore new places?
    A) A homebody
    B) A wanderlust
    C) A couch potato
    D) A foodie

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