Past Perfect Tense: Penggunaan Kata Kerja “Had” + Past Participle untuk Menyatakan Tindakan yang Sudah Selesai Dilakukan Sebelum Tindakan Lain di Masa Lalu

Sematskill 10


Past Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang telah selesai dilakukan sebelum tindakan lain terjadi di masa lalu. Tense ini dibentuk dengan menggunakan kata kerja “had” diikuti oleh past participle (bentuk ketiga dari kata kerja).

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Struktur Kalimat

Kalimat Positif:

    • Subjek + had + Past Participle + Complement
    • Contoh: She had finished her work before the meeting started. (Dia telah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya sebelum rapat dimulai.)

    Kalimat Negatif:

      • Subjek + had + not + Past Participle + Complement
      • Contoh: He had not (hadn’t) seen that movie before. (Dia belum menonton film itu sebelumnya.)

      Kalimat Tanya:

        • Had + Subjek + Past Participle + Complement?
        • Contoh: Had they already left when you arrived? (Apakah mereka sudah pergi ketika Anda tiba?)


        Tindakan yang Telah Selesai Dilakukan Sebelum Tindakan Lain Terjadi di Masa Lalu:

          • By the time we arrived, the train had left. (Pada saat kami tiba, kereta telah pergi.)
          • She had already eaten dinner when they called her. (Dia sudah makan malam ketika mereka meneleponnya.)

          Kronologi Tindakan di Masa Lalu:

            • After he had finished his homework, he went out to play. (Setelah dia selesai mengerjakan PR-nya, dia pergi bermain.)
            • They had traveled to several countries before they settled in Canada. (Mereka telah bepergian ke beberapa negara sebelum mereka menetap di Kanada.)

            Kondisi yang Berubah di Masa Lalu:

              • I was tired because I had worked late the night before. (Saya merasa lelah karena saya telah bekerja larut malam sebelumnya.)
              • She was upset because she had missed the bus. (Dia kesal karena dia telah melewatkan bus.)
              1. Dalam Cerita atau Narasi:
              • He was relieved to find that he had packed everything he needed. (Dia merasa lega karena dia telah mengemas semua yang dia butuhkan.)
              • By the time the show started, the audience had already taken their seats. (Pada saat pertunjukan dimulai, penonton sudah duduk di tempat mereka.)
              image 145

              Contoh Penggunaan

              Tindakan yang Telah Selesai Dilakukan Sebelum Tindakan Lain Terjadi di Masa Lalu:

                • She had completed the report before the meeting began. (Dia telah menyelesaikan laporan sebelum rapat dimulai.)
                  • “Had completed” menunjukkan bahwa laporan telah selesai sebelum tindakan lain (rapat) terjadi.
                • They had visited the museum before it closed. (Mereka telah mengunjungi museum sebelum museum tutup.)
                  • “Had visited” menunjukkan bahwa kunjungan ke museum terjadi sebelum museum tutup.

                Kronologi Tindakan di Masa Lalu:

                  • After I had finished my chores, I watched TV. (Setelah saya selesai dengan pekerjaan rumah, saya menonton TV.)
                    • “Had finished” menunjukkan tindakan menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah yang terjadi sebelum menonton TV.
                  • He had already left when she arrived. (Dia sudah pergi ketika dia tiba.)
                    • “Had already left” menunjukkan tindakan pergi yang terjadi sebelum tiba.

                  Kondisi yang Berubah di Masa Lalu:

                    • We were surprised because we had not expected such a big turnout. (Kami terkejut karena kami tidak mengharapkan kehadiran yang begitu besar.)
                      • “Had not expected” menunjukkan kondisi tidak mengharapkan yang terjadi sebelum kejutan.
                    • She felt relieved because she had passed her exam. (Dia merasa lega karena dia telah lulus ujian.)
                      • “Had passed” menunjukkan kondisi lega yang terkait dengan lulus ujian.

                    Dalam Cerita atau Narasi:

                      • The guests were impressed because the host had prepared a wonderful dinner. (Para tamu terkesan karena tuan rumah telah menyiapkan makan malam yang luar biasa.)
                        • “Had prepared” menunjukkan persiapan makan malam yang terjadi sebelum tamu tiba.

                      Latihan Soal

                      1. Isi tempat kosong dengan bentuk Past Perfect Tense yang tepat: a. By the time we got to the cinema, the movie __ (start). b. She __ (finish) her book before the meeting began. c. __ (you/ever/visit) that museum before it closed? d. They __ (already/leave) when I arrived.
                      2. Ubah kalimat berikut ke bentuk negatif: a. He had completed the project. b. We had met her before. c. They had arrived at the airport.
                      3. Tentukan jenis kalimat berikut: a. Had they finished their work before the deadline? b. She had seen that film. c. I had not heard the news.
                      4. Lengkapi kalimat dengan bentuk Past Perfect Tense dari kata kerja: a. I __ (write) the report before the manager asked for it. b. She __ (already/complete) her assignment by the time the class started. c. They __ (not/finish) their dinner when the guests arrived.

                      Kunci Jawaban

                      1. Isi tempat kosong: a. had started b. had finished c. Had you ever visited d. had already left
                      2. Kalimat negatif: a. He had not (hadn’t) completed the project. b. We had not (hadn’t) met her before. c. They had not (hadn’t) arrived at the airport.
                      3. Jenis kalimat: a. Tanya b. Positif c. Negatif
                      4. Bentuk Past Perfect Tense: a. had written b. had already completed c. had not (hadn’t) finished

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