Phrasal prepositions adalah gabungan dari dua atau lebih kata yang berfungsi sebagai preposisi. Mereka digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan atau posisi antara dua objek dalam kalimat. Phrasal prepositions sering kali lebih fleksibel dan lebih umum dalam penggunaannya daripada preposisi tunggal.
Contoh phrasal prepositions termasuk:
- In front of: di depan
- On top of: di atas
- Next to: di sebelah
- Ahead of: di depan (dalam hal waktu)
- Due to: karena
- In spite of: meskipun
- On behalf of: atas nama
- In between: di antara
- Out of: keluar dari
- Because of: karena
Phrasal prepositions membantu menambah variasi dalam bahasa dan memberikan nuansa tambahan dalam penulisan dan percakapan. Mereka digunakan untuk menyampaikan ide atau informasi dengan lebih spesifik dan terperinci.
Daftar Isi
Contoh Kalimat Phrasal Prepositions

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan phrasal prepositions:
- She placed the keys on top of the table.
- The cat sat in front of the fireplace.
- He stood next to his brother during the ceremony.
- The restaurant is located ahead of the gas station.
- Due to the heavy rain, the match was postponed.
- She succeeded in spite of facing many challenges.
- He signed the contract on behalf of the company.
- The car was parked in between two large trucks.
- She jumped out of bed when she heard the alarm.
- They canceled the picnic because of the bad weather.
Rumus Phrasal Prepositions
- Kata depan + kata benda / kata ganti + kata depan / kata benda
Contoh: in front of the house, next to the car, on behalf of us - Kata depan + kata depan + kata benda
Contoh: because of the rain, due to the circumstances - Kata depan + kata depan + kata depan
Contoh: in spite of the obstacles, on top of the mountain
Latihan Soal Phrasal Preposition

- Berikan contoh kalimat yang menggunakan phrasal preposition “in front of” dan jelaskan artinya.
- Gambarkan situasi di mana Anda akan menggunakan phrasal preposition “on behalf of” dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
- Tuliskan sebuah cerita pendek menggunakan setidaknya lima phrasal prepositions yang berbeda.
- Jelaskan perbedaan antara “due to” dan “because of” dengan memberikan contoh kalimat untuk masing-masing.
- Apa perbedaan penggunaan antara “next to” dan “beside”? Berikan contoh kalimat untuk masing-masing untuk menjelaskan perbedaannya.
- Mengapa phrasal prepositions penting dalam penulisan dan percakapan bahasa Inggris? Berikan dua alasan.
- Bagaimana Anda dapat meningkatkan pemahaman Anda tentang penggunaan phrasal prepositions dalam bahasa Inggris sehari-hari? Berikan dua strategi yang dapat Anda gunakan.
Pilihan ganda
- Choose the correct phrasal preposition to complete the sentence: “She placed the book __ the shelf.”
a) in front of
b) on top of
c) next to
d) ahead of - Which phrasal preposition completes the sentence correctly: “The keys were hidden __ the drawer.”
a) out of
b) in between
c) on behalf of
d) inside of - What is the phrasal preposition in the sentence: “We walked __ the bridge.”
a) through
b) across
c) along
d) on top of - Choose the correct phrasal preposition to complete the sentence: “The painting hung __ the fireplace.”
a) behind
b) beside
c) ahead of
d) above - What is the phrasal preposition in the sentence: “She was standing __ the crowd.”
a) in between
b) next to
c) because of
d) due to - Which phrasal preposition completes the sentence correctly: “The cat jumped __ the fence.”
a) out of
b) on behalf of
c) inside of
d) in front of - What is the phrasal preposition in the sentence: “He lives __ the street.”
a) on top of
b) across
c) ahead of
d) because of - Choose the correct phrasal preposition to complete the sentence: “She traveled __ the world.”
a) on behalf of
b) throughout
c) from
d) with - What is the phrasal preposition in the sentence: “The keys were found __ the couch.”
a) under
b) between
c) outside of
d) on top of - Which phrasal preposition completes the sentence correctly: “The party was organized __ her.”
a) with
b) on behalf of
c) around
d) because of