Phrase For Promises And Resolutions, Dilengkap Contoh Soal

Sematskill 66

“Phrase for promises and resolutions” adalah ungkapan atau frasa yang digunakan untuk menyatakan janji atau resolusi, menunjukkan komitmen seseorang terhadap tindakan atau perubahan tertentu yang mereka rencanakan atau janjikan untuk dilakukan di masa depan. Ini meliputi ungkapan-ungkapan seperti “I will” (saya akan), “I promise to” (saya berjanji untuk), “I’m committed to” (saya berkomitmen untuk), dan sejenisnya.

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Kosa Kata

  1. Promise (janji)
  2. Commitment (komitmen)
  3. Pledge (sumpah)
  4. Vow (janji suci)
  5. Swear (bersumpah)
  6. Undertake (mengambil tanggung jawab)
  7. Declare (menyatakan)
  8. Assure (menjamin)
  9. Devote (mengabdikan)
  10. Resolve (bertekad)
  11. Oath (sumpah)
  12. Guarantee (jaminan)
  13. Covenant (perjanjian)
  14. Dedicate (mengabdikan)
  15. Pledge (janji)
  16. Obligation (kewajiban)
  17. Promise (janji)
  18. Duty (tugas)
  19. Pledge (sumpah)
  20. Sworn (bersumpah)
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Contoh Kalimat

  1. She made a promise to always be there for her friend in times of need.
  2. His commitment to his studies earned him top grades in school.
  3. They pledged to support each other through thick and thin.
  4. In their wedding vows, they swore to love and cherish each other forever.
  5. He undertook the responsibility of leading the project to completion.
  6. She declared her intention to pursue her dreams despite the challenges.
  7. I assure you, the product will meet all your expectations.
  8. They devoted their time and resources to helping those in need.
  9. With resolve, she overcame every obstacle in her path to success.
  10. He took an oath to uphold the laws of the land.
  11. The company guarantees the quality of its products.
  12. They entered into a covenant to work together for the greater good.
  13. She dedicated her life to serving her community.
  14. His pledge to donate a portion of his earnings to charity reflects his compassion.
  15. It is our obligation to protect the environment for future generations.
  16. Keeping promises is an essential part of building trust in relationships.
  17. Soldiers have a duty to protect their country and its citizens.
  18. By taking the pledge, they committed to living a healthier lifestyle.
  19. He was sworn in as the new president of the company.
  20. Meeting deadlines is a sworn responsibility for every employee.
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Contoh Percakapan

A: “I promise to always support you no matter what.”
B: “Thank you, your commitment means a lot to me.”

Latihan Soal

  1. Apa sinonim dari “commitment”?
    a) Vow
    b) Promise
    c) Oath
    d) Dedicate
  2. Kata kerja yang tepat untuk menyatakan janji dengan sungguh-sungguh adalah…
    a) Swear
    b) Resolve
    c) Undertake
    d) Declare
  3. “I will devote more time to my family.” Ungkapan ini menunjukkan…
    a) Sumpah untuk lebih banyak waktu bersama keluarga
    b) Janji untuk memberikan waktu lebih banyak untuk keluarga
    c) Rencana untuk menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga
    d) Keinginan untuk lebih banyak waktu bersama keluarga

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