Penjelasan Lengkap: phrase ways to talk about price

Sematskill 62

Cara berkomunikasi tentang harga adalah keterampilan penting dalam situasi bisnis, perdagangan, dan pembelian. Ada beberapa frasa dan kata-kata khusus yang digunakan untuk membicarakan harga dengan jelas dan efektif.

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Contoh Kalimat

  1. “How much does it cost?” (Berapa harganya?)
  2. “What’s the price?” (Berapa harganya?)
  3. “How much is this?” (Berapa harganya?)
  4. “What’s the asking price?” (Berapa harga yang diminta?)
  5. “Can you give me a quote?” (Bisakah Anda memberi saya penawaran?)
  6. “Is there a discount available?” (Apakah ada diskon yang tersedia?)
  7. “Are there any special deals?” (Apakah ada penawaran khusus?)
  8. “What’s the price range?” (Berapa kisaran harganya?)
  9. “What’s your best price?” (Berapa harga terbaik Anda?)
  10. “Are prices negotiable?” (Apakah harga bisa dinegosiasikan?)
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Contoh Percakapan

Percakapan 1:
Pelanggan: How much does this laptop cost?
Penjual: The price is $800.
Pelanggan: Is there any room for negotiation?
Penjual: Yes, we can offer a 10% discount.

Percakapan 2:
Pelanggan: What’s the asking price for this house?
Agen Properti: The asking price is $500,000.
Pelanggan: Are there any special deals available?
Agen Properti: Yes, if you’re interested, we can offer a closing cost credit.

Latihan Soal

  1. What does the phrase “How much does it cost?” mean?
    a) Asking for the time
    b) Inquiring about the price
    c) Asking about the weather
  2. What’s another way to ask “What’s the price?”
    a) How much is this?
    b) What’s your name?
    c) Where is the bathroom?
  3. What is meant by “What’s your best price?”
    a) Asking for the seller’s favorite color
    b) Inquiring about the lowest possible price
    c) Asking for directions to the nearest restaurant
  4. When might someone ask, “Are prices negotiable?”
    a) When they want to know the time
    b) When they are interested in bargaining
    c) When they want to know about the product’s features
  5. If someone asks for a quote, what are they asking for?
    a) A famous saying
    b) A price estimate
    c) A recipe for cooking
  6. What does “What’s the price range?” inquire about?
    a) The distance between two places
    b) The variety of prices available
    c) The temperature outside
  7. If a customer asks, “Can you give me a quote?” what should the seller provide?
    a) A short story
    b) A price estimate
    c) A discount coupon
  8. What is meant by “What’s the asking price?”
    a) The price that the buyer suggests
    b) The price that the seller is asking for
    c) The price of a different item
  9. If a customer asks, “Are there any special deals available?” what are they interested in?
    a) Regular prices
    b) Discounts or promotions
    c) Product specifications
  10. When might someone ask, “Is there a discount available?”
    a) When they want to pay more
    b) When they want to pay less
    c) When they want to know about the warranty
  11. What might a person ask if they want to know about the range of prices?
    a) “What’s your best price?”
    b) “What’s the price range?”
    c) “How much is this?”
  12. What is meant by “What’s the price?”?
    a) Inquiring about the cost
    b) Asking for the product’s color
    c) Asking about the brand
  13. What does “Are prices negotiable?” imply?
    a) Prices are fixed
    b) Prices can be discussed
    c) Prices are high
  14. When might someone ask, “Are there any special deals?”
    a) When they want to pay full price
    b) When they are interested in discounts
    c) When they want to know the time
  15. What is another way to ask, “How much is this?”
    a) What’s the price range?
    b) What’s the asking price?
    c) What’s the price?
  16. When a customer asks for a quote, what do they want to receive?
    a) A story
    b) A price estimate
    c) A recipe
  17. If someone asks, “What’s your best price?” what do they want to know?
    a) The highest price
    b) The lowest price
    c) The average price
  18. What does “Can you give me a quote?” request?
    a) A discount
    b) A price estimate
    c) A product sample
  19. What might a person inquire about when they ask, “What’s the price range?”
    a) The variety of prices available
    b) The brand of the product
    c) The quantity of the product
  20. If a customer asks, “Is there a discount available?” what are they interested in?
    a) Paying more
    b) Paying less
    c) Paying later


  1. b) Inquiring about the price
  2. a) How much is this?
  3. b) Inquiring about the lowest possible price
  4. b) When they are interested in bargaining
  5. b) A price estimate
  6. b) The variety of prices available
  7. b) A price estimate
  8. b) The price that the seller is asking for
  9. b) Discounts or promotions
  10. b) When they want to pay less
  11. b) “What’s the price range?”
  12. a) Inquiring about the cost
  13. b) Prices can be discussed
  14. b) When they are interested in discounts
  15. c) What’s the price?
  16. b) A price estimate
  17. b) The lowest price
  18. b) A price estimate
  19. a) The variety of prices available
  20. b) Paying less

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