Talking About Past, Rumus, Contoh Kalimat dan Latihan Soal

Sematskill 72

Berbicara tentang masa lalu dalam bahasa Inggris umumnya menggunakan bentuk lampau (past tense). Berikut ini adalah materi mengenai kosa kata, contoh percakapan, dan contoh kalimat yang berkaitan dengan berbicara tentang masa lalu.

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Kosa Kata

  1. Was/Were – adalah
  2. Had – memiliki
  3. Went – pergi
  4. Did – melakukan
  5. Saw – melihat
  6. Ate – makan
  7. Drank – minum
  8. Slept – tidur
  9. Talked – berbicara
  10. Played – bermain
  11. Visited – mengunjungi
  12. Watched – menonton
  13. Listened – mendengarkan
  14. Read – membaca
  15. Wrote – menulis
  16. Drove – mengemudi
  17. Bought – membeli
  18. Gave – memberi
  19. Took – mengambil
  20. Worked – bekerja
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Contoh Percakapan

A: Hi, how was your weekend?
B: It was great! I went to the beach.
A: That sounds fun. Did you swim?
B: Yes, I swam and also played volleyball.
A: Who did you go with?
B: I went with my family and some friends.
A: Did you take any pictures?
B: Yes, I took a lot of pictures. I’ll show them to you later.

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Contoh Kalimat

  1. I went to the park yesterday.
  2. She saw a movie last night.
  3. They visited their grandparents last weekend.
  4. We had a great time at the party.
  5. He played soccer with his friends.
  6. I ate pizza for dinner.
  7. She wrote a letter to her friend.
  8. They watched a documentary on TV.
  9. We listened to music all evening.
  10. He read a book before bed.
  11. I slept for eight hours last night.
  12. She talked to her teacher about the project.
  13. They bought a new car.
  14. We gave him a birthday present.
  15. He drove to work this morning.
  16. I took a lot of photos during my vacation.
  17. She worked on her assignment all day.
  18. They drank coffee in the morning.
  19. We saw a beautiful sunset.
  20. He visited the museum last month.

Latihan 1: Pilihan Ganda

Pilih kata kerja bentuk lampau yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut.

  1. Yesterday, I __ (go) to the market.
  • a) go
  • b) went
  • c) gone
  1. She __ (see) a beautiful bird in the garden.
  • a) see
  • b) saw
  • c) seen
  1. They __ (eat) dinner at a fancy restaurant last night.
  • a) eat
  • b) ate
  • c) eaten
  1. He __ (write) a letter to his friend.
  • a) write
  • b) wrote
  • c) written
  1. We __ (watch) a movie together.
  • a) watch
  • b) watched
  • c) watching
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Latihan 2: Mengisi Titik-Titik

Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan bentuk lampau dari kata kerja yang diberikan dalam kurung.

  1. I __ (buy) a new phone last week.
  2. She __ (visit) her grandparents yesterday.
  3. They __ (play) basketball after school.
  4. He __ (drive) to the office in the morning.
  5. We __ (read) an interesting book last month.

Latihan 3: Membuat Kalimat

Buat kalimat bentuk lampau menggunakan kata kerja yang diberikan.

  1. (study) ____________________________________________________
  2. (travel) ____________________________________________________
  3. (clean) ____________________________________________________
  4. (sing) ____________________________________________________
  5. (dance) ____________________________________________________


Latihan 1: Pilihan Ganda

  1. b) went
  2. b) saw
  3. b) ate
  4. b) wrote
  5. b) watched

Latihan 2: Mengisi Titik-Titik

  1. I bought a new phone last week.
  2. She visited her grandparents yesterday.
  3. They played basketball after school.
  4. He drove to the office in the morning.
  5. We read an interesting book last month.

Latihan 3: Membuat Kalimat

  1. I studied hard for the exam last night.
  2. They traveled to Japan last summer.
  3. She cleaned her room yesterday.
  4. He sang his favorite song at the karaoke party.
  5. We danced together at the wedding reception.

Semoga latihan ini membantu memperkuat pemahaman dan keterampilan Anda dalam menggunakan bentuk lampau dalam bahasa Inggris!

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