Sematskill 2024 05 28T103204.943


Pertanyaan “What colour is it?” digunakan untuk menanyakan warna suatu benda. Pertanyaan ini sangat umum dalam percakapan sehari-hari ketika kita ingin mengetahui atau mengonfirmasi warna dari objek tertentu.

image 309

Penggunaan “WHAT COLOUR IS IT?”

  • “What colour is it?” digunakan ketika kita ingin tahu warna dari satu benda.
  • Jika kita berbicara tentang lebih dari satu benda, kita menggunakan bentuk jamak: “What colour are they?”

Struktur Kalimat


    • What + colour + is + it?
    • What + colour + are + they? (untuk benda jamak)


      • It + is + [colour].
      • They + are + [colour]. (untuk benda jamak)

      Contoh Penggunaan


        • What colour is it?
        • What colour are they?


          • It is red.
          • They are blue.
          image 310

          Contoh Kalimat

          (Menunjuk pada apel) What colour is it?

            • It is red. (Ini merah.)

            (Melihat pada mobil) What colour is it?

              • It is black. (Ini hitam.)

              (Menunjuk pada bunga) What colour is it?

                • It is yellow. (Ini kuning.)
                  • They are white. (Mereka putih.)

                  (Menunjuk pada pensil warna) What colour are they?

                    • They are green and blue. (Mereka hijau dan biru.) Berikut adalah 10 contoh kalimat menggunakan “What colour is it?” beserta jawabannya dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia:

                    Question: What colour is the sky?

                      • Answer: It is blue.
                      • Terjemahan: Apa warna langit? – Warnanya biru.

                      Question: What colour is the apple?

                        • Answer: It is red.
                        • Terjemahan: Apa warna apel itu? – Warnanya merah.

                        Question: What colour is her dress?

                          • Answer: It is yellow.
                          • Terjemahan: Apa warna gaunnya? – Warnanya kuning.

                          Question: What colour is the car?

                            • Answer: It is black.
                            • Terjemahan: Apa warna mobil itu? – Warnanya hitam.

                            Question: What colour is the grass?

                              • Answer: It is green.
                              • Terjemahan: Apa warna rumput itu? – Warnanya hijau.

                              Question: What colour is his hair?

                                • Answer: It is brown.
                                • Terjemahan: Apa warna rambutnya? – Warnanya cokelat.

                                Question: What colour is the snow?

                                  • Answer: It is white.
                                  • Terjemahan: Apa warna salju itu? – Warnanya putih.
                                    • Answer: It is yellow.
                                    • Terjemahan: Apa warna matahari itu? – Warnanya kuning.

                                    Question: What colour is the flower?

                                      • Answer: It is pink.
                                      • Terjemahan: Apa warna bunga itu? – Warnanya merah muda.

                                      Question: What colour is the chocolate?

                                      • Answer: It is brown.
                                      • Terjemahan: Apa warna cokelat itu? – Warnanya cokelat.

                                        Semoga contoh kalimat ini membantu! Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut, jangan ragu untuk bertanya.

                                        image 311


                                        Dialog 1:

                                        • A: What colour is your car?
                                        • B: It is blue.

                                        Dialog 2:

                                        • A: What colour are these flowers?
                                        • B: They are pink.

                                        Dialog 3:

                                        • A: What colour is your new dress?
                                        • B: It is red.

                                        Dialog 4:

                                        • A: What colour are his shoes?
                                        • B: They are brown.

                                        Dialog 5:

                                        • A: What colour is this bag?
                                        • B: It is black.

                                        Latihan Soal

                                        Instructions: Look at the objects around you or imagine the scenarios described below and answer the questions using the format “It is [colour]” or “They are [colour]”.

                                        (Menunjuk pada pena biru)

                                          • Question: What colour is it?
                                          • Answer: It is blue.

                                          (Melihat pada bunga merah muda)

                                            • Question: What colour is it?
                                            • Answer: It is pink.
                                              • Question: What colour are they?
                                              • Answer: They are red, blue, and yellow.

                                              (Melihat pada bola hijau)

                                                • Question: What colour is it?
                                                • Answer: It is green.

                                                (Menunjuk pada payung hitam dan putih)

                                                  • Question: What colour is it?
                                                  • Answer: It is black and white.

                                                  Jawaban Soal

                                                  Question: What colour is it?

                                                    • Answer: It is blue.

                                                    Question: What colour is it?

                                                      • Answer: It is pink.
                                                        • Answer: They are red, blue, and yellow.
                                                          • Answer: It is green.

                                                          Question: What colour is it?

                                                            • Answer: It is black and white.

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