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Dalam bahasa Inggris, kita sering menggunakan frasa “What is this?” dan “What is that?” untuk menanyakan identitas suatu benda. Pertanyaan ini berguna dalam situasi sehari-hari ketika kita ingin tahu nama atau fungsi dari sesuatu.

Penggunaan “WHAT IS THIS?”

  • “What is this?” digunakan untuk menanyakan benda yang dekat dengan pembicara.
  • Misalnya, jika Anda memegang sebuah benda atau benda tersebut berada di dekat Anda, Anda akan mengatakan “What is this?”.


  1. (Memegang sebuah buku) “What is this?” – “It is a book.”
  2. (Menunjuk gambar di dekat Anda) “What is this?” – “It is a picture.” Penggunaan “WHAT IS THAT?”
  • “What is that?” digunakan untuk menanyakan benda yang jauh dari pembicara tetapi mungkin dekat dengan pendengar, atau benda yang jauh dari keduanya.
  • Misalnya, jika benda tersebut berada di seberang ruangan atau di kejauhan, Anda akan mengatakan “What is that?”.


What is this? It is a book.

  • Apa ini? Ini adalah sebuah buku.

What is that? It is a tree.

  • Apa itu? Itu adalah sebuah pohon.

What is this? It is a cup.

  • Apa ini? Ini adalah sebuah cangkir.

What is that? It is a house.

  • Apa itu? Itu adalah sebuah rumah.

What is this? It is a phone.

  • Apa ini? Ini adalah sebuah telepon.

What is that? It is a car.

  • Apa itu? Itu adalah sebuah mobil.
  • Apa ini? Ini adalah sebuah pulpen.

What is that? It is a mountain.

  • Apa itu? Itu adalah sebuah gunung.

What is this? It is a chair.

  • Apa ini? Ini adalah sebuah kursi.
  1. What is that? It is a river.
    • Apa itu? Itu adalah sebuah sungai.
    Struktur Kalimat
  2. Pertanyaan:
  • What + is + this/that?
  • Contoh: “What is this?” / “What is that?”


  • It + is + noun.
  • Contoh: “It is a book.” / “It is a car.” Contoh Dialog
    Dialog 1:
  • A: What is this? (Sambil memegang apel)
  • B: It is an apple.

Dialog 2:

  • A: What is that? (Menunjuk ke arah menara)
  • B: It is a tower. Dialog 1: Di Dalam Kelas
    A: (memegang sebuah buku) What is this?
    B: It is a book.
    A: What is the book about?
    B: It is about the history of art.
    A: Oh, that sounds interesting! Dialog 2: Di Taman
    A: (menunjuk ke arah pohon yang besar) What is that?
    B: It is an oak tree.
    A: How old do you think it is?
    B: It looks very old, maybe over a hundred years. Dialog 3: Di Dapur
    A: (memegang sebuah alat dapur) What is this?
    B: It is a blender.
    A: How do you use it?
    B: You use it to make smoothies and blend food. Dialog 4: Di Tepi Jalan
    A: (menunjuk ke arah bangunan di kejauhan) What is that?
    B: It is a museum.
    A: Have you ever been there?
    B: Yes, I visited it last year. It has amazing exhibits. Dialog 5: Di Kantor
    A: (melihat sebuah objek di meja rekan kerjanya) What is this?
    B: It is a paperweight.
    A: It’s quite unique. Where did you get it?
    B: I bought it during my trip to Japan. Dialog 6: Di Kebun Binatang
    A: (menunjuk ke arah hewan di kejauhan) What is that?
    B: It is a giraffe.
    A: It’s so tall!
    B: Yes, giraffes are the tallest land animals. Dialog 7: Di Toko Buku
    A: (memegang buku bergambar) What is this?
    B: It is a graphic novel.
    A: I’ve never read one before. Is it good?
    B: Yes, this one is very popular. Dialog 8: Di Pantai
    A: (menunjuk ke arah ombak besar) What is that?
    B: It is a surf wave.
    A: Have you ever surfed?
    B: No, but I would love to try it someday. Dialog 9: Di Ruang Tamu
    A: (melihat benda di rak) What is this?
    B: It is a vintage radio.
    A: Does it still work?
    B: Yes, it does. I like to listen to it sometimes. Dialog 10: Di Taman Bermain
    A: (menunjuk ke arah wahana) What is that?
    B: It is a Ferris wheel.
    A: It looks fun! Shall we go for a ride?
    B: Sure, let’s do it! Latihan
    Cobalah untuk menanyakan benda-benda di sekitar Anda menggunakan “What is this?” atau “What is that?” dan berlatih memberikan jawaban.
  1. (Memegang pulpen) _?
  2. (Menunjuk bunga di taman) _?


  1. What is this? – It is a pen.
  2. What is that? – It is a flower.

Tentu! Berikut adalah latihan soal lengkap dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan format “What is this?” dan “What is that?” beserta jawabannya:

Latihan Soal

Instructions: Look at the pictures or imagine the scenarios described below and answer the questions using the format “It is a (noun).”

(You are holding a pen)

  • Question: What is this?
  • Answer: It is a pen.

(You see a beautiful flower in the garden)

  • Question: What is that?
  • Answer: It is a flower.

(You are looking at a picture on the wall)

  • Question: What is this?
  • Answer: It is a picture.

(You notice a tall building in the distance)

  • Question: What is that?
  • Answer: It is a building.

(You are holding a cup of coffee)

  • Question: What is this?
  • Answer: It is a cup.

(You see a dog playing in the park)

  • Question: What is that?
  • Answer: It is a dog.

(You are pointing at a clock on the wall)

  • Question: What is this?
  • Answer: It is a clock.

(You see a car parked across the street)

  • Question: What is that?
  • Answer: It is a car.

(You are holding an apple in your hand)

  • Question: What is this?
  • Answer: It is an apple.

(You see a mountain in the distance)

  • Question: What is that?
  • Answer: It is a mountain.
Jawaban Soal

Question: What is this?

  • Answer: It is a pen.

Question: What is that?

  • Answer: It is a flower.

Question: What is this?

  • Answer: It is a picture.

Question: What is that?

  • Answer: It is a building.

Question: What is this?

  • Answer: It is a cup.

Question: What is that?

  • Answer: It is a dog.

Question: What is this?

  • Answer: It is a clock.

Question: What is that?

  • Answer: It is a car.

Question: What is this?

  • Answer: It is an apple.

Question: What is that?

  • Answer: It is a mountain.

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