Cara Mengungkapkan Direction dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Latihan Soal

Sematskill 80

Directions adalah instruksi atau petunjuk tentang cara mencapai suatu tempat.

Contoh Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris

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  1. Can you give me directions to the nearest gas station?
  2. I’m lost. Could you please provide me with directions to the museum?
  3. The map offers clear directions on how to get to the airport.
  4. Follow these directions carefully, and you’ll reach your destination.
  5. She drew a map with detailed directions for the hiking trail.

20 Contoh Percakapan 1

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  1. A: Excuse me, how do I get to the train station from here?
    B: Sure, just go straight ahead for two blocks, then turn left at the traffic lights. You’ll see the station on your right.
  2. A: I’m trying to find the nearest pharmacy. Can you help me with directions?
    B: Of course, walk down this street until you reach the intersection, then turn right. It’ll be on your left-hand side.
  3. A: I’m meeting a friend at the café downtown, but I’m not sure how to get there.
    B: No problem, just take this street all the way down, then turn left at the third intersection. You’ll spot the café on your right.
  4. A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office?
    B: Sure thing, just go straight ahead, cross the bridge, and you’ll see it on your left.
  5. A: I’m looking for the park. Can you give me directions?
    B: Certainly, go down this road until you reach the big intersection. Take a right there, and the park will be on your left-hand side.

20 Contoh Percakapan 2

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  1. A: Do you know how to get to the supermarket from here?
    B: Yeah, it’s pretty easy. Just go down this road, and you’ll see it on your right after the third traffic light.
  2. A: I’m new in town. Could you help me find the library?
    B: Of course, go straight ahead, then take the first left. You’ll see the library on your right.
  3. A: Can you give me directions to the nearest subway station?
    B: Sure, walk straight ahead, then take a right at the next corner. You’ll find the station entrance on your left-hand side.
  4. A: I need to go to the bank. Could you tell me how to get there?
    B: Certainly, just walk down this street until you reach the main square. The bank is right across from the fountain.
  5. A: How do I get to the movie theater from here?
    B: It’s quite simple. Just go straight ahead for two blocks, then turn left at the traffic lights. You can’t miss it.

20 Contoh Percakapan 3

  1. A: I’m looking for the nearest bus stop. Can you help me?
    B: Sure, walk straight ahead until you see the big intersection. The bus stop is right on the corner.
  2. A: Excuse me, do you know where the nearest coffee shop is?
    B: Yes, just go down this street and take the second right. You’ll find it on the corner.
  3. A: I need to catch a taxi. Where’s the nearest taxi stand?
    B: If you go out of this building and turn right, you’ll see it just a few meters down the road.
  4. A: How do I get to the city center from here?
    B: It’s quite straightforward. Just follow this road until you reach the big roundabout, then take the third exit.
  5. A: Can you tell me how to get to the train station?
    B: Certainly, walk straight ahead until you reach the end of this road, then turn left. You’ll see the station entrance in front of you.

30 Kosa Kata

  1. Directions – Petunjuk
  2. Intersection – Persimpangan
  3. Turn – Belok
  4. Straight – Lurus
  5. Left – Kiri
  6. Right – Kanan
  7. Street – Jalan
  8. Road – Jalan Raya
  9. Corner – Sudut
  10. Intersection – Persimpangan
  11. Follow – Mengikuti
  12. Map – Peta
  13. Guide – Panduan
  14. Destination – Tujuan
  15. Lost – Tersesat
  16. Route – Rute
  17. Traffic lights – Lampu lalu lintas
  18. Block – Blok
  19. Avenue – Jalan besar
  20. Bus stop – Halte bus
  21. Taxi stand – Pangkalan taksi
  22. Subway station – Stasiun kereta bawah tanah
  23. Bridge – Jembatan
  24. Square – Lapangan
  25. Fountain – Air mancur
  26. Museum – Museum
  27. Café – Kafe
  28. Library – Perpustakaan
  29. Park – Taman
  30. Movie theater – Bioskop

Latihan Soal

  1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan “directions”?
    a) Instruksi untuk mencapai suatu tempat
    b) Peta
    c) Alamat
  2. Bagaimana cara Anda mengatakan “belok kiri” dalam bahasa Inggris?
    a) Turn right
    b) Turn left
    c) Go straight
  3. Apa arti “intersection”?
    a) Persimpangan
    b) Lampu lalu lintas
    c) Halte bus
  4. Bagaimana Anda mengatakan “lurus” dalam bahasa Inggris?
    a) Left
    b) Straight
    c) Right
  5. Jika Anda tersesat, apa yang harus Anda lakukan?
    a) Tetap diam
    b) Mintalah petunjuk
    c) Lanjutkan berjalan tanpa tujuan
  6. Apa arti “map”?
    a) Panduan
    b) Peta
    c) Tujuan
  7. Bagaimana Anda mengatakan “lampu lalu lintas” dalam bahasa Inggris?
    a) Traffic lights
    b) Road
    c) Avenue
  8. Kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan “jalan besar” dalam bahasa Inggris adalah?
    a) Avenue
    b) Intersection
    c) Block
  9. Apa yang dimaksud dengan “bus stop”?
    a) Halte bus
    b) Stasiun kereta bawah tanah
    c) Pangkalan taksi
  10. Jika Anda ingin pergi ke suatu tempat dan tidak tahu cara, apa yang harus Anda minta?
    a) Buku
    b) Petunjuk
    c) Jam

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