Cara Meminta Bantuan kepada Pramugari di Pesawat dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Sematskill 2024 07 01T195703.027

Saat berada di pesawat, ada kalanya Anda perlu meminta bantuan dari pramugari. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat dan kosa kata yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan pramugari dalam bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Kalimat

Excuse me, could you help me with my seatbelt?

    • Permisi, bisakah Anda membantu saya dengan sabuk pengaman saya?

    Can I have a blanket, please?

      • Bisakah saya minta selimut?

      Could you bring me some water, please?

        • Bisakah Anda membawa saya air?

        Excuse me, where is the restroom?

          • Permisi, di mana toilet?

          Can you help me find my seat?

            • Bisakah Anda membantu saya menemukan kursi saya?

            Could you assist me with my luggage?

              • Bisakah Anda membantu saya dengan bagasi saya?

              I feel unwell, can you help me?

                • Saya merasa tidak enak badan, bisakah Anda membantu saya?

                Can I get a pair of headphones?

                  • Bisakah saya mendapatkan sepasang headphone?

                  Excuse me, can I have a cup of tea?

                    • Permisi, bisakah saya minta secangkir teh?
                    1. Could you show me how to use the entertainment system?
                      • Bisakah Anda menunjukkan cara menggunakan sistem hiburan?
                    2. Is there a vegetarian meal available?
                      • Apakah ada makanan vegetarian?
                    3. Could you help me with the overhead compartment?
                      • Bisakah Anda membantu saya dengan kompartemen di atas?
                    4. Excuse me, I need a pillow.
                      • Permisi, saya butuh bantal.
                    5. Can you please tell me the arrival time?
                      • Bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya waktu kedatangan?
                    6. Can I have some extra napkins, please?
                      • Bisakah saya minta beberapa tisu tambahan?
                    image 3

                    Kosa Kata Hafalan

                    1. Seatbelt – Sabuk pengaman
                    2. Blanket – Selimut
                    3. Water – Air
                    4. Restroom – Toilet
                    5. Seat – Kursi
                    6. Luggage – Bagasi
                    7. Unwell – Tidak enak badan
                    8. Headphones – Headphone
                    9. Tea – Teh
                    10. Entertainment system – Sistem hiburan
                    11. Meal – Makanan
                    12. Overhead compartment – Kompartemen di atas
                    13. Pillow – Bantal
                    14. Arrival time – Waktu kedatangan
                    15. Napkin – Tisu
                    16. Assistance – Bantuan
                    17. Vegetarian – Vegetarian
                    18. Comfort – Kenyamanan
                    19. Flight attendant – Pramugari
                    20. Cabin – Kabin
                    image 4

                    Latihan Soal untuk Meminta Bantuan kepada Pramugari di Pesawat dalam Bahasa Inggris

                    Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan kosa kata yang tepat:

                    1. Excuse me, could you help me with my __?
                    • a. Blanket
                    • b. Seatbelt
                    • c. Water
                    • d. Napkin

                    2. Can I have a __, please?

                      • a. Tea
                      • b. Seat
                      • c. Headphones
                      • d. Meal

                      3. Could you bring me some __, please?

                        • a. Pillow
                        • b. Water
                        • c. Restroom
                        • d. Luggage

                        4. Excuse me, where is the __?

                          • a. Seatbelt
                          • b. Entertainment system
                          • c. Restroom
                          • d. Arrival time

                          6. Can you help me find my __?

                            • a. Seat
                            • b. Blanket
                            • c. Meal
                            • d. Cabin
                            1. Could you assist me with my __?
                            • a. Luggage
                            • b. Napkin
                            • c. Headphones
                            • d. Tea

                            7. I feel __, can you help me?

                              • a. Unwell
                              • b. Comfortable
                              • c. Happy
                              • d. Sleepy

                              8. Can I get a pair of __?

                                • a. Napkins
                                • b. Headphones
                                • c. Shoes
                                • d. Pillows

                                9. Excuse me, can I have a cup of __?

                                  • a. Tea
                                  • b. Water
                                  • c. Juice
                                  • d. Coffee

                                  10. Could you show me how to use the __?

                                  • a. Pillow
                                  • b. Blanket
                                  • c. Entertainment system
                                  • d. Overhead compartment

                                    B. Terjemahkan kalimat berikut ke dalam Bahasa Inggris:

                                    1. Permisi, saya butuh bantal.
                                      • a. Excuse me, I need a napkin.
                                      • b. Excuse me, I need a pillow.
                                      • c. Excuse me, I need a blanket.
                                      • d. Excuse me, I need a seat.
                                    2. Bisakah Anda memberi tahu saya waktu kedatangan?
                                      • a. Can you tell me the arrival time?
                                      • b. Can you tell me the departure time?
                                      • c. Can you tell me the flight number?
                                      • d. Can you tell me the gate number?
                                    3. Bisakah saya minta beberapa tisu tambahan?
                                      • a. Can I have some extra blankets, please?
                                      • b. Can I have some extra pillows, please?
                                      • c. Can I have some extra napkins, please?
                                      • d. Can I have some extra seats, please?
                                    4. Permisi, di mana toilet?
                                      • a. Excuse me, where is the seat?
                                      • b. Excuse me, where is the cabin?
                                      • c. Excuse me, where is the restroom?
                                      • d. Excuse me, where is the luggage?
                                    5. Saya merasa tidak enak badan, bisakah Anda membantu saya?
                                      • a. I feel happy, can you help me?
                                      • b. I feel unwell, can you help me?
                                      • c. I feel sleepy, can you help me?
                                      • d. I feel comfortable, can you help me?

                                    C. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut:

                                    1. __ you assist me with my luggage?
                                      • a. Could
                                      • b. Would
                                      • c. Should
                                      • d. Can
                                    2. Can you help me with my __?
                                      • a. Headphones
                                      • b. Blanket
                                      • c. Seatbelt
                                      • d. Tea
                                    3. Could you bring me a __, please?
                                      • a. Headphones
                                      • b. Meal
                                      • c. Water
                                      • d. Pillow
                                    4. Excuse me, where is the __ desk?
                                      • a. Information
                                      • b. Check-in
                                      • c. Departure
                                      • d. Arrival
                                    5. Can you help me with my __ pass?
                                      • a. Boarding
                                      • b. Entertainment
                                      • c. Flight
                                      • d. Arrival

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