Staying in a hotel: How to Check Into a Hotel

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Penjelasan “Staying in a hotel: How to check into a hotel” ini merujuk pada proses masuk atau check-in ke sebuah hotel. Saat seseorang tiba di hotel untuk menginap, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah proses check-in di meja resepsionis atau front desk. Kalimat tersebut mengarahkan pembaca untuk memahami bagaimana proses check-in dilakukan dan apa yang harus dilakukan saat tiba di hotel tersebut. Hal ini mencakup berbagai hal seperti memberikan informasi reservasi, mengisi formulir, memberikan kartu kredit untuk jaminan, dan menerima kunci kamar. Dengan demikian, penjelasan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan panduan tentang bagaimana cara melakukan check-in secara efisien dan lancar saat menginap di hotel.

Checking into a hotel involves several steps to ensure a smooth arrival and pleasant stay. Here’s a guide with 20 phrases and 30 vocabulary words

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  1. “Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Smith.”
  2. “I’d like to check in, please. Here’s my ID.”
  3. “Could you confirm the details of my reservation?”
  4. “I booked a standard room for two nights.”
  5. “Do you have any available upgrades?”
  6. “I prefer a room with a city view, if possible.”
  7. “Are there any additional charges I should be aware of?”
  8. “Could you please fill out this registration form?”
  9. “Is breakfast included in my stay?”
  10. “Could you provide me with a map of the hotel?”
  11. “Do you offer shuttle services to the airport?”
  12. “What time is the check-out?”
  13. “Could I have a non-smoking room, please?”
  14. “Are pets allowed in the hotel?”
  15. “Could you recommend any nearby restaurants?”
  16. “Is there a minibar in the room?”
  17. “How do I access the Wi-Fi?”
  18. “Could you assist me with my luggage?”
  19. “Can you provide me with a receipt for my stay?”
  20. “Thank you for your assistance. Could you show me to my room?”
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  1. Reservation
  2. ID
  3. Standard room
  4. Upgrades
  5. City view
  6. Additional charges
  7. Registration form
  8. Breakfast
  9. Shuttle services
  10. Check-out
  11. Non-smoking
  12. Pets allowed
  13. Minibar
  14. Wi-Fi
  15. Luggage
  16. Receipt
  17. Assistance
  18. Arrival
  19. Confirmation
  20. Receptionist
  21. Booking
  22. Accommodation
  23. Amenities
  24. Key card
  25. Deposit
  26. Valet parking
  27. Concierge
  28. Housekeeping
  29. Porter
  30. Invoice

Guest (G): Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Johnson.

Receptionist (R): Good evening, Mr. Johnson. Welcome to our hotel. May I have your ID, please?

G: Certainly, here it is.

R: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Let me just retrieve your reservation. Ah, yes, I see you’ve booked a deluxe room for three nights. Would you like to add any additional services to your stay?

G: Yes, I’d like to inquire about breakfast options and any available upgrades.

R: Absolutely, sir. We offer a complimentary continental breakfast with your stay. However, if you prefer a full breakfast, there’s an additional charge of $20 per person. As for upgrades, we have a limited number of suites available with stunning ocean views.

G: That sounds tempting. Could you provide more details about the suite options and the associated costs?

R: Of course, Mr. Johnson. Our suites feature spacious living areas, luxurious amenities, and panoramic views of the ocean. The upgrade cost is $100 per night.

G: I’m interested in the suite upgrade for the first night of my stay. Is that possible?

R: Certainly, sir. Let me arrange that for you. Additionally, I’ll need you to fill out this registration form and provide a credit card for any incidental charges.

G: No problem. Here’s the completed form and my credit card.

R: Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Your room key is ready. It’s programmed to provide access to both your deluxe room for the first two nights and the suite for the third night. Here’s a map of the hotel, and the Wi-Fi password is included.

G: Excellent, thank you for your assistance.

R: You’re very welcome, Mr. Johnson. If you need anything else during your stay, please don’t hesitate to contact the front desk. Enjoy your time with us.

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Latihan Soal

Sure, here’s a simple worksheet table you can use for hotel check-in:

Information NeededGuest Response
Name[Guest’s Name]
Reservation Under[Name Reservation is Under]
Length of Stay[Number of Nights]
Room Type Requested[Room Type Requested]
Additional Services[Services Requested]
Breakfast Preference[Breakfast Preference]
Room Upgrade Preference[Upgrade Preference]
ID/Passport[Guest’s ID/Passport]
Registration Form[Filled Out?]
Credit Card for Charges[Provided?]

Sure, here are some multiple-choice questions related to hotel check-in:

  1. What document is typically required during hotel check-in?
    a) Driver’s license
    b) Passport
    c) Birth certificate
    d) Social security card
  2. Which of the following is not a common room type in hotels?
    a) Single
    b) Double
    c) Suite
    d) Triplex
  3. What is often provided complimentary during hotel check-in?
    a) Breakfast
    b) Dinner
    c) Lunch
    d) Snacks
  4. What might guests be asked to provide as a form of payment during hotel check-in?
    a) Cash
    b) Bitcoin
    c) Credit card
    d) Personal check
  5. Which department handles guest check-in and check-out procedures?
    a) Housekeeping
    b) Front desk
    c) Concierge
    d) Maintenance
  6. What might a receptionist ask a guest to fill out during check-in?
    a) Shopping list
    b) Registration form
    c) Tourist guide
    d) Complaint form
  7. Which of the following is an example of an additional service a guest might request during check-in?
    a) Taxi service
    b) Laundry service
    c) Room service
    d) All of the above
  8. What information might a receptionist confirm with a guest during check-in?
    a) Length of stay
    b) Room type
    c) Breakfast preference
    d) All of the above
  9. What might a guest receive upon successful completion of the check-in process?
    a) Room key
    b) Hotel map
    c) Wi-Fi password
    d) All of the above
  10. Who is responsible for ensuring a smooth and efficient check-in experience for guests?
    a) Hotel manager
    b) Front desk staff
    c) Housekeeping
    d) Security personnel

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