How to Choose a Meal

Sematskill 99

Contoh Kalimat:

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  1. “I prefer sitting by the window when we dine out.”
  2. “Could we possibly get a table near the bar area?”
  3. “I’d like to request a booth, if possible.”
  4. “Is it okay if we sit in a quieter section of the restaurant?”
  5. “I’d love a table with a view of the garden, please.”
  6. “Can we have a table in a corner, away from the crowd?”
  7. “Do you mind if we sit by the fireplace?”
  8. “I have a preference for outdoor seating.”
  9. “Could we be seated at a table with some privacy?”
  10. “I’d like a table in the back, away from the entrance.”

Contoh Kosakata:

  1. Seating preference – Preferensi tempat duduk
  2. By the window – Di dekat jendela
  3. Near the bar area – Dekat area bar
  4. Booth – Ruang duduk tertutup
  5. Quieter section – Bagian yang lebih tenang
  6. View – Pemandangan
  7. Corner – Sudut
  8. Away from the crowd – Jauh dari keramaian
  9. Outdoor seating – Tempat duduk di luar ruangan
  10. Privacy – Privasi
  11. Fireplace – Perapian
  12. Garden – Taman
  13. Back – Bagian belakang
  14. Entrance – Pintu masuk
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10 Percakapan:

  1. Pelanggan: “Good evening. Do you have any seating preferences?”
    Pelayan: “Yes, we prefer a table by the window. Is that possible?”
  2. Pelanggan: “Could we get a booth, please?”
    Pelayan: “Of course, I’ll arrange that for you. Follow me.”
  3. Pelanggan: “I’d love to sit near the garden, if it’s available.”
    Pelayan: “Certainly, we have a lovely spot with a garden view for you.”
  4. Pelanggan: “Is there a quieter section where we can dine?”
    Pelayan: “Yes, we have a cozy area away from the main dining hall. Follow me, please.”
  5. Pelanggan: “Do you mind if we sit by the fireplace?”
    Pelayan: “Not at all. Let me guide you to a table near the fireplace.”
  6. Pelanggan: “Could we have a table in a corner for some privacy?”
    Pelayan: “Of course, we have a secluded corner table just for you.”
  7. Pelanggan: “I prefer outdoor seating. Is there an option for that?”
    Pelayan: “Certainly, we have a patio area where you can enjoy your meal outdoors.”
  8. Pelanggan: “Can we have a table in the back, away from the entrance?”
    Pelayan: “Sure, follow me. I’ll take you to a table in the quieter area.”
  9. Pelanggan: “Could we sit near the bar area?”
    Pelayan: “Of course, I’ll find you a table close to the bar.”
  10. Pelanggan: “I’d like to request a table with a view, please.”
    Pelayan: “Absolutely, we have a few tables with beautiful views. Follow me, please.”

Baik, berikut ini adalah latihan soal lengkap tentang cara mengungkapkan preferensi tempat duduk di restoran:

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Latihan Soal: Where You Want to Sit at a Restaurant

Bagian 1: Mengisi Titik-Titik

Isilah titik-titik dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan kata-kata yang tepat.

  1. “I’d like to sit __ the window, please.”
  2. “Could we have a table __ the garden area?”
  3. “Is it possible to be seated __ the bar?”
  4. “We prefer a booth __ some privacy.”
  5. “Can we get a table __ the corner?”

Bagian 2: Pertanyaan Pilihan Ganda

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk setiap pertanyaan di bawah ini.

  1. Apa yang biasanya pertama kali Anda katakan saat ingin duduk di tempat tertentu di restoran?
  • A. “Can we get the bill?”
  • B. “I’d like to sit by the window, please.”
  • C. “What’s the chef’s special?”
  1. Mengapa penting untuk mengungkapkan preferensi tempat duduk?
  • A. Untuk menentukan apakah restoran itu ramai atau tidak.
  • B. Untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan kepuasan Anda.
  • C. Untuk mengetahui berapa lama waktu tunggu Anda.
  1. Apa yang harus Anda lakukan jika restoran tidak memiliki tempat duduk sesuai dengan preferensi Anda?
  • A. Meninggalkan restoran dan mencari yang lain.
  • B. Bertanya apakah ada alternatif atau menunggu sampai ada tempat kosong.
  • C. Mengeluh pada pelayan.
  1. Di mana Anda mungkin akan duduk jika menginginkan privasi?
  • A. Di dekat bar.
  • B. Di meja yang terpisah dari tempat lain.
  • C. Di tempat yang paling ramai.
  1. Apa yang biasanya diungkapkan ketika ingin duduk di tempat tertentu di restoran?
  • A. “Can I have the menu?”
  • B. “I’d like to sit near the garden, please.”
  • C. “Do you have any discounts?”


Bagian 1: Mengisi Titik-Titik

  1. by
  2. in
  3. near
  4. for
  5. in

Bagian 2: Pertanyaan Pilihan Ganda

  1. B. “I’d like to sit by the window, please.”
  2. B. Untuk memastikan kenyamanan dan kepuasan Anda.
  3. B. Bertanya apakah ada alternatif atau menunggu sampai ada tempat kosong.
  4. B. Di meja yang terpisah dari tempat lain.
  5. B. “I’d like to sit near the garden, please.”

Worksheet: How to Choose a Meal

  1. Understanding Preferences:
  • What are your favorite types of cuisine?
  • Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences (e.g., vegetarian, gluten-free)?
  1. Exploring Options:
  • Research different restaurants or cuisines that offer meals aligned with your preferences.
  • Consider exploring new dishes or cuisines you haven’t tried before.
  1. Reviewing Menus:
  • Look at the menus of the restaurants you’re considering.
  • Identify dishes that appeal to you and fit within your dietary preferences.
  1. Considering Nutritional Needs:
  • Think about the nutritional content of the meals you’re choosing.
  • Aim for a balanced meal with a mix of protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates.
  1. Portion Control:
  • Consider portion sizes when selecting your meal.
  • Opt for smaller portions if you’re trying to manage your calorie intake.
  1. Budgeting:
  • Determine your budget for the meal.
  • Look for options that fit within your budget without compromising on quality or taste.
  1. Checking Reviews:
  • Read reviews or ask for recommendations from friends or family who have dined at the restaurant before.
  1. Asking Questions:
  • Don’t hesitate to ask the server for recommendations or more information about specific dishes.
  • Inquire about ingredients or cooking methods if you have any concerns.
  1. Making a Decision:
  • Based on your research and preferences, choose a meal that you feel excited to try.
  1. Enjoying the Experience:
    • Sit back, relax, and enjoy your meal!
    • Take note of what you liked or didn’t like for future reference.

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