Penjelasan Lengkap Preposition of Place dan Direction, Kosa Kata, Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban

Sematskill 14

Preposition of place and direction adalah jenis preposisi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan lokasi, arah, atau posisi suatu objek dalam ruang atau dalam konteks pergerakan. Preposisi ini membantu memberikan informasi tentang di mana suatu objek berada atau ke mana suatu objek bergerak.

Contoh preposisi of place and direction meliputi “in”, “on”, “at”, “under”, “above”, “below”, “beside”, “behind”, “in front of”, “between”, “through”, “across”, “toward(s)”, “onto”, “off”, “away from”, “along”, “near”, “among”, “inside”, dan lain sebagainya.

Misalnya, dalam kalimat “The cat is on the table”, preposisi “on” digunakan untuk menunjukkan di mana objek “cat” berada, yaitu di atas meja.

Preposisi of place and direction membantu memberikan konteks spasial dalam kalimat, memungkinkan pembaca atau pendengar untuk memahami posisi atau arah suatu objek dalam hubungannya dengan objek lain atau lingkungan sekitarnya.

Kosa Kata Preposition of Direction and Place

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Berikut adalah beberapa kosa kata preposisi of direction and place yang bisa dihafalkan:

  1. In
  2. On
  3. At
  4. Under
  5. Above
  6. Below
  7. Beside
  8. Behind
  9. In front of
  10. Between
  11. Through
  12. Across
  13. Toward(s)
  14. Onto
  15. Off
  16. Away from
  17. Along
  18. Near
  19. Among
  20. Inside
  21. Outside
  22. Over
  23. Up
  24. Down
  25. Around

Contoh Kalimat Preposition of Direction and Place

  1. The book is on the shelf.
  2. The car is in the garage.
  3. The birds are flying above the trees.
  4. The keys are beside the door.
  5. The cat is under the bed.


  1. The pen is not on the table.
  2. The dog is not behind the fence.
  3. The hat is not under the chair.
  4. The flowers are not between the bushes.
  5. The backpack is not beside the desk.


  1. Is the umbrella in the closet?
  2. Are the children playing outside the house?
  3. Where is the remote control? Is it on the couch?
  4. Is there a cat under the table?
  5. Did you put the keys between the books?

Soal Preposition of Direction and Place

  1. Which preposition of direction and place completes the sentence correctly: “The cat is __ the roof.”
    a) on
    b) in
    c) under
    d) beside
  2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “She walked __ the park.”
    a) through
    b) into
    c) for
    d) with
  3. Which one is a preposition of direction and place?
    a) with
    b) from
    c) between
    d) beside
  4. Which preposition of direction and place completes the sentence correctly: “The train departs __ 9:30 a.m.”
    a) at
    b) in
    c) on
    d) for
  5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “He has been studying English __ Monday.”
    a) at
    b) since
    c) before
    d) by
  6. Which one is a preposition of direction and place?
    a) after
    b) above
    c) among
    d) beside
  7. Which preposition of direction and place completes the sentence correctly: “They arrived __ the airport 10 minutes before the flight.”
    a) at
    b) in
    c) on
    d) before
  8. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: “The store is open __ Monday to Friday.”
    a) on
    b) from
    c) during
    d) since
  9. Which one is a preposition of direction and place?
    a) for
    b) until
    c) throughout
    d) between
  10. Which preposition of direction and place completes the sentence correctly: “The movie starts __ 8 p.m.”
    a) at
    b) in
    c) on
    d) during

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