Hafalan Mudah untuk Pemula: 10 Ways to Say How Are You?

Sematskill 31

“10 ways to say how are you” berarti memberikan 10 cara atau ungkapan yang berbeda untuk bertanya “how are you?” dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut adalah 10 cara untuk menyampaikan pertanyaan tersebut:

  1. How are you?
  2. How are you doing?
  3. How’s it going?
  4. What’s up?
  5. How have you been?
  6. How’s everything?
  7. What’s new?
  8. How are things?
  9. How’s life treating you?
  10. What’s going on?


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contoh 1
Dini: Hi Agus, how are you?
Agus: Hi Dini, I’m doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?
Dini: I’m good too, thanks. Did you have a good weekend?
Agus: Yeah, it was pretty relaxing. How about you?
Dini: I had a great time. I went hiking with some friends. By the way, how’s your new job going?
Agus: It’s going well, thanks for asking. I’m still settling in, but I like it so far. How about you? How’s your project at work?
Dini: It’s going smoothly, thanks. We’re making good progress. Anyway, it’s nice catching up with you.
Agus: Yeah, same here. Let’s grab lunch sometime this week.
Dini: Definitely, that sounds like a plan. I’ll text you. Take care!
Agus: You too, bye!

contoh 2
Ayu: Hi Dono, how are you?
Dono: Hi Ayu, I’m doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?
Ayu: I’m good too, thanks. Did you have a good weekend?
Dono: Yeah, it was pretty relaxing. How about you?
Ayu: I had a great time. I went shopping with some friends. By the way, how’s your new project going?
Dono: It’s going well, thanks for asking. I’m still working on it, but I’m making progress. How about you? How’s everything at your end?
Ayu: It’s going smoothly, thanks. We’re wrapping up some tasks. Anyway, it’s nice catching up with you.
Dono: Yeah, same here. Let’s grab coffee sometime this week.
Ayu: Definitely, that sounds like a plan. I’ll text you. Take care!
Dono: You too, bye!

contoh 3

Neneng: Hi Hani, how are you?
Hani: Hi Neneng, I’m doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?
Neneng: I’m good too, thanks. Did you have a good weekend?
Hani: Yeah, it was pretty busy. How about you?
Neneng: Mine was relaxing. I watched movies at home. By the way, how’s your family?
Hani: They’re doing great, thanks for asking. How about yours?
Neneng: They’re fine too, thanks. How’s work going for you?
Hani: It’s been hectic, but manageable. How about you? How’s your new project going?
Neneng: It’s going well, thanks for asking. We’re making good progress. Anyway, it’s nice catching up with you.
Hani: Yeah, same here. Let’s have lunch together sometime this week.
Neneng: Definitely, that sounds like a plan. I’ll text you. Take care!
Hani: You too, bye!

Latihan Soal

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  1. What is the meaning of “how are you?” in Indonesian?
    a) Apa kabar?
    b) Siapa namamu?
    c) Dimana kamu?
    d) Berapa umurmu?
  2. Which of the following is a common response to “how are you?”
    a) I’m fine, thank you. And you?
    b) I’m 20 years old.
    c) My name is John.
    d) I’m going to the store.
  3. Choose the appropriate greeting in response to “how are you?”
    a) Goodbye.
    b) Howdy!
    c) Thank you.
    d) Fine, thank you. And you?
  4. How do you usually respond to “how are you?”
    a) I’m going home.
    b) I’m doing well, thanks.
    c) It’s raining outside.
    d) I’m hungry.
  5. “How are you?” is a common __ phrase.
    a) greeting
    b) question
    c) goodbye
    d) statement

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