Materi Bahasa Inggris: Cara Mengatakan Seseorang Bodoh

Sematskill 71

Mengungkapkan bahwa seseorang itu bodoh memang harus dilakukan dengan sangat hati-hati agar tidak menyinggung perasaan atau merusak hubungan. Berikut beberapa cara untuk mengungkapkan hal tersebut, dengan nada yang berbeda-beda, mulai dari yang kasar hingga yang lebih halus.

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Materi Bahasa Inggris: Cara Mengatakan Seseorang Bodoh

Contoh Kosa Kata

  1. Foolish
  2. Idiotic
  3. Silly
  4. Dumb
  5. Stupid
  6. Ignorant
  7. Clueless
  8. Dim-witted
  9. Brainless
  10. Moronic
  11. Dull
  12. Thick-headed
  13. Slow
  14. Dense
  15. Simple-minded
  16. Boneheaded
  17. Witless
  18. Birdbrained
  19. Half-witted
  20. Imbecilic
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Contoh Percakapan

A: Did you hear what John did yesterday?
B: No, what happened?
A: He tried to fix his computer by pouring water on it.
B: Oh my, that’s so foolish.

A: Sarah forgot her keys again and tried to break into her own house through the chimney.
B: That sounds really idiotic.

A: Tom thinks that the Earth is flat and refuses to believe any scientific evidence.
B: Wow, he’s so ignorant.

A: Jane failed her test because she didn’t study and spent the whole night playing video games.
B: That’s quite dumb of her.

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Contoh Kalimat

  1. John made a foolish mistake by not reading the instructions.
  2. Her idiotic comments during the meeting embarrassed everyone.
  3. It was silly of him to try and fix the machine without any prior knowledge.
  4. He felt dumb after realizing he locked his keys inside the car.
  5. She gave a stupid answer that made no sense.
  6. He seemed ignorant about basic science facts.
  7. They looked clueless when asked about the project.
  8. His dim-witted response was not helpful at all.
  9. The brainless decision he made cost the company a lot of money.
  10. That was a moronic thing to do in such a serious situation.
  11. She made a dull remark that nobody understood.
  12. His thick-headed approach to solving problems is frustrating.
  13. The slow reaction time indicated his lack of understanding.
  14. He’s dense if he can’t see the obvious solution.
  15. Her simple-minded plan was never going to work.
  16. He’s such a boneheaded guy, always making mistakes.
  17. That was a witless thing to say in front of the boss.
  18. Her birdbrained ideas never contribute to the discussion.
  19. He acted half-witted by ignoring all the warnings.
  20. The imbecilic decision to not wear a helmet could have been fatal.

Latihan Soal: Cara Mengatakan Seseorang Bodoh dalam Bahasa Inggris

Bagian A: Pilihan Ganda

Pilih kata yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut:

  1. His __ decision caused a lot of problems for the team.
    a. smart
    b. foolish
    c. clever
    d. intelligent
  2. She felt __ when she realized she had been tricked.
    a. happy
    b. wise
    c. dumb
    d. brilliant
  3. It was __ of him to ignore the safety warnings.
    a. cautious
    b. idiotic
    c. thoughtful
    d. prudent
  4. They looked __ when asked about the project details.
    a. clueless
    b. knowledgeable
    c. sharp
    d. prepared
  5. His __ comments made everyone laugh at his ignorance.
    a. insightful
    b. witty
    c. ignorant
    d. sensible

Bagian B: Isi dengan Kata yang Tepat

Isi bagian yang kosong dengan kata yang sesuai dari daftar berikut: [foolish, silly, brainless, dim-witted, ignorant].

  1. It was very __ of her to trust a stranger with her personal information.
  2. The __ remark he made in class showed that he didn’t understand the topic at all.
  3. They acted __ by not checking the weather before going hiking.
  4. His __ decisions often lead to unnecessary trouble.
  5. She felt __ for believing the false rumors.

Bagian C: Buat Kalimat

Buat kalimat menggunakan kata-kata berikut:

  1. clueless
  2. imbecilic
  3. thick-headed
  4. simple-minded
  5. boneheaded

Bagian D: Percakapan

Buat percakapan pendek (4-6 kalimat) menggunakan salah satu dari kata berikut: [dumb, silly, foolish, idiotic, ignorant].


A: Did you hear about Tom?
B: No, what happened?
A: He tried to microwave a metal bowl.
B: That’s so dumb!


Bagian A: Pilihan Ganda

  1. b. foolish
  2. c. dumb
  3. b. idiotic
  4. a. clueless
  5. c. ignorant

Bagian B: Isi dengan Kata yang Tepat

  1. foolish
  2. dim-witted
  3. brainless
  4. ignorant
  5. silly

Bagian C: Buat Kalimat

  1. She looked clueless during the meeting and couldn’t answer any questions.
  2. The imbecilic plan he proposed was immediately rejected by everyone.
  3. He is so thick-headed that he never listens to advice.
  4. Her simple-minded approach to the problem didn’t solve anything.
  5. That was a boneheaded move, leaving the keys inside the car.

Bagian D: Percakapan

A: Did you see what Mary did yesterday?
B: No, what did she do?
A: She tried to use her phone as a hammer.
B: That’s so idiotic!

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