Learning English Pronunciation: Belajar Pengucapan Bahasa Inggris

Sematskill 67

Pengucapan adalah cara kita menghasilkan suara dalam berbicara menggunakan kata-kata bahasa Inggris. Pengucapan yang baik dan jelas sangat penting agar kita dapat dipahami dengan baik oleh orang lain. Dalam bahasa Inggris, terdapat bunyi-bunyi vokal dan konsonan yang harus kita pelajari untuk menghasilkan pengucapan yang tepat.

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Kosakata baru:

  1. Pronunciation (pengucapan)
  2. Vowel (huruf vokal)
  3. Consonant (huruf konsonan)
  4. Accent (aksen)
  5. Syllable (suku kata)
  6. Stress (tekanan kata)
  7. Intonation (intonasi)
  8. Articulation (artikulasi)
  9. Nasal sound (suara hidung)
  10. Diphthong (difthong)
  11. Schwa (suara netral)
  12. Fluent (fasih)
  13. Mumble (membisik)
  14. Tongue (lidah)
  15. Lips (bibir)
  16. Teeth (gigi)
  17. Jaw (rahang)
  18. Breath (napas)
  19. Pitch (tinggi rendah suara)
  20. Rhythm (iritasi)
  21. Clarity (kejelasan)
  22. Accentuation (penekanan)
  23. Pronounce (mengucapkan)
  24. Enunciate (mengartikulasikan)
  25. Mutter (berbisik)
  26. Whisper (berbisik pelan)
  27. Volume (volume suara)
  28. Mannerism (cara berbicara)
  29. Inflection (infleksi suara)
  30. Cadence (ritme suara)
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Contoh Kalimat:

  1. She has a beautiful pronunciation in English.
  2. Can you pronounce this word correctly?
  3. The word “cat” has only one syllable.
  4. Don’t mumble when you speak.
  5. He speaks with a British accent.
  6. The stress is on the second syllable of the word “banana.”
  7. I need to work on my intonation while speaking.
  8. Articulate your words clearly.
  9. The nasal sound in the word “sing” is produced by the nose.
  10. The diphthong in the word “coin” consists of two vowel sounds.
  11. The schwa sound is the most common sound in English.
  12. She is fluent in English and French.
  13. Please speak louder, I can’t hear you.
  14. He tends to mumble when he’s nervous.
  15. Whisper the answer to me.
  16. Use your tongue to pronounce the “th” sound.
  17. Close your lips to make the “p” sound.
  18. The teeth play a role in producing the “s” sound.
  19. Relax your jaw when you speak.
  20. Take a deep breath before speaking.
  21. The pitch of her voice is too high.
  22. The rhythm of his speech is captivating.
  23. Speak with clarity and confidence.
  24. Pay attention to the accentuation of words.
  25. How do you pronounce this word in English?
  26. Enunciate each word clearly.
  27. He tends to mutter when he’s angry.
  28. Adjust the volume of your voice accordingly.
  29. Watch out for mannerisms that may distract from your message.
  30. Use inflection to add emotion to your speech.

Latihan Soal:

  1. What is the definition of pronunciation?
  2. Give an example of a vowel in English.
  3. How many syllables are there in the word “elephant”?
  4. What should you avoid doing when speaking?
  5. What is an accent in English?
  6. Where is the stress in the word “banana”?
  7. What is intonation in English?
  8. What does articulation refer to in pronunciation?
  9. How is the nasal sound produced in English?
  10. What is a diphthong in English?
  11. Explain the schwa sound in English.
  12. What does it mean to be fluent in a language?
  13. How can you improve your volume when speaking?
  14. What does it mean to mumble?

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