Building Basic English Sentences: Membangun Kalimat Dasar dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sematskill 66

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan panduan lengkap dalam membangun kalimat dasar dalam bahasa Inggris. Hal ini penting dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris karena kalimat dasar menjadi dasar untuk memahami dan mengungkapkan pikiran dengan jelas dan efektif. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk membangun kalimat dasar yang benar dalam bahasa Inggris.

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30 Kosakata:

  1. I – saya
  2. You – kamu
  3. He – dia (laki-laki)
  4. She – dia (perempuan)
  5. They – mereka
  6. We – kita
  7. It – itu
  8. Am – adalah (untuk subjek “I”)
  9. Is – adalah (untuk subjek “He”, “She”, “It”)
  10. Are – adalah (untuk subjek “You”, “They”, “We”)
  11. Like – suka
  12. Eat – makan
  13. Drink – minum
  14. Go – pergi
  15. Come – datang
  16. Want – ingin
  17. Need – butuh
  18. Have – memiliki
  19. See – melihat
  20. Hear – mendengar
  21. Read – membaca
  22. Write – menulis
  23. Speak – berbicara
  24. Understand – mengerti
  25. Learn – belajar
  26. Play – bermain
  27. Watch – menonton
  28. Listen – mendengarkan
  29. Study – belajar (secara serius)
  30. Work – bekerja
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30 Contoh Kalimat:

  1. I like to eat pizza.
  2. You need to go to school.
  3. He is reading a book.
  4. She wants to learn English.
  5. They play basketball every Sunday.
  6. We have a cat as a pet.
  7. It is raining outside.
  8. I am going to the park.
  9. You are my best friend.
  10. He likes to play guitar.
  11. She is studying for the exam.
  12. They have a big house.
  13. We want to watch a movie tonight.
  14. It is important to speak politely.
  15. I need to buy groceries.
  16. You like to listen to music.
  17. He is working on a project.
  18. She wants to travel the world.
  19. They play soccer in the park.
  20. We have a meeting tomorrow.
  21. It is difficult to understand this concept.
  22. I am learning to swim.
  23. You are going to the party tonight.
  24. He likes to read books.
  25. She is studying medicine.
  26. They have a dog as a pet.
  27. We want to visit our grandparents.
  28. It is raining heavily.
  29. I need to finish my homework.
  30. You like to watch movies.

30 Latihan Soal:

  1. Complete the sentence: I _ to eat ice cream.
  2. Choose the correct pronoun: _ is a doctor.
  3. Fill in the blank: They _ basketball every Saturday.
  4. Match the verb with the correct subject: She _ a book.
  5. Rewrite the sentence using the verb “want”: I would like to travel.
  6. Identify the correct form of the verb: We _ to school every day.
  7. Fill in the blank: It _ important to study.
  8. Choose the correct pronoun: _ are my friends.
  9. Complete the sentence: He likes _ music.
  10. Match the verb with the correct subject: They _ basketball every Sunday.

Berikut adalah beberapa kosakata yang digunakan dalam artikel ini:

  1. I – saya
  2. You – kamu
  3. He – dia (laki-laki)
  4. She – dia (perempuan)
  5. They – mereka
  6. We – kita
  7. It – itu
  8. Am – adalah (untuk subjek “I”)
  9. Is – adalah (untuk subjek “He”, “She”, “It”)
  10. Are – adalah (untuk subjek “You”, “They”, “We”)
  11. Like – suka
  12. Eat – makan
  13. Drink – minum
  14. Go – pergi
  15. Come – datang
  16. Want – ingin
  17. Need – butuh
  18. Have – memiliki
  19. See – melihat
  20. Hear – mendengar
  21. Read – membaca
  22. Write – menulis
  23. Speak – berbicara
  24. Understand – mengerti
  25. Learn – belajar
  26. Play – bermain
  27. Watch – menonton
  28. Listen – mendengarkan
  29. Study – belajar (secara serius)
  30. Work – bekerja

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