Latihan Soal Participle + Kunci Jawaban

Latihan soal

Latihan Soal Participle

Setelah selesai mempelajari materi participle, berikut ini 15 soal latihan participle pilihan ganda + kunci jawaban.

Selamat mengerjakan.

1. The one … this expensive bag is my boyfriend.

a. Buy
b. Bought
c. Was bought
d. Buying

2. My old game … by my mother is my favourite game.

a. Throw
b. Threw
c. Thrown
d. Was thrown

3. I really don’t like movie …. by you last night. It was just so boring.

a. Recommend
b. Recommended
c. Recommending
d. Was recommended

4. I know the one … my money when I was sleeping.

a. Steal
b. Stole
c. Stealing
d. Was stealing

5. … so full, I couldn’t eat anything.

a. Feel
b. Felt
c. Feeling
d. Have felt

6. … tired of studying, he went to bed early.

a. Feel
b. Felt
c. Have felt
d. Having felt

7. … by her classmates, she was absenst at school since two days ago.

a. Teased
b. Teasing
c. Having teased
d. Having been teased

8. … bad score at school. He was not allowed to go anywhere before studying.

a. Get
b. Got
c. Getting
d. Has gotten

9. This question is so … Could you help me for this one ?

a. Confuse
b. Confuses
c. Confused
d. Confusing

10. I’m so … This is so hard to understand.

a. Confuse
b. Confuses
c. Confused
d. Confusing

11. That’s so … Well done, you are so great.

a. Amaze
b. Amazes
c. Amazed
d. Amazing

12. You are the great one. I’m so … by you

a. Amaze
b. Amazes
c. Amazed
d. Amazing

13. … on the beach, you can see amazing scenery from the window of my house.

a. Locate
b. Located
c. Lacation
d. Locating

14. … by supportive family, he can be the successful enterpreneur.

a. Surround
b. Surrounded
c. Surrounding
d. Is surrounded

15. … by our mother, the dinner became so fantastic.

a. Cook
b. Cooked
c. Cooking
d. It’s cooked

Kunci Jawaban

1. D. Buying

– present participle ini berfungsi sebagai active relative pronoun.

– menggantikan : The one who bought this expensive bag is my boyfriend.

2. C. Thrown

– past participle yang berfungsi sebagai passive relative pronoun.

– artinya : My old game which was thrown by my mother is my favourite game.

3. B. Recommended

– past participle yang berfungsi sebagai passive relative pronoun.

– artinya : I really don’t like movie which was recommended by you last night. It was just so boring.

Baca materi selengkapnya disini

4. C. Stealing

– present participle ini berfungsi sebagai active relative pronoun.

– artinya : I know the one who was stealing my money when I was sleeping.

5. C. Feeling

– present participle menggantikan kata ‘because’ dalam kalimat sebab-akibat.

– artinya : Because I was feeling so full, I couldn’t eat anything.

6. D. Having felt

– present participle ‘having + Verb 3’ menggantikan kata ‘after’ dalam kalimat yang terdapat dua hal terjadi secara berurutan.

– artinya : After feeling tired of studying, he went to bed early.

7. D. Having been teased

– present participle yang menggantikan kata ‘after’ dalam kalimat yang terdapat dua hal terjadi secara berurutan.

– Berbeda dengan nomor 6, untuk soal nomor 7 ini berbentuk pasif maka polanya ‘Having been + Verb 3’.

– artinya : After being teased y her classmates, she was absenst at school since two days ago.

8. C. Getting

– present participle menggantikan kata ‘because’ dalam kalimat sebab-akibat.

– artinya : Because he got bad score at school. He was not allowed to go anywhere before studying.

9. D. Confusing

– artinya : confusing (membingungkan) sedangkan confused (bingung)

– present participle yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat (adjective) untuk menjelaskan karakteristik atau ciri-ciri benda atau orang tertentu.

10. C. Confused

– artinya : confused (bingung), sedangkan confusing (membingungkan)

– past participle (verb 3) ini berfungsi sebagai kata sifat (adjective) yang berhubungan dengan perasaan seseorang mengenai suatu hal.

11. D. Amazing

– artinya : amazing (menakjubkan), sedangkan amazed (kagum)

– present participle yang berfungsi sebagai kata sifat (adjective) untuk menjelaskan karakteristik atau ciri-ciri benda atau orang tertentu.

12. C. Amazed

– artinya : amazed (kagum), sedangkan amazing (mengagumkan)

– past participle (verb 3) ini berfungsi sebagai kata sifat (adjective) yang berhubungan dengan perasaan seseorang mengenai suatu hal.

13. B. Located

– past participle ini berfungsi untuk menggantikan kata ‘because’ sama seperti present participle sebelumnya, perbedaannya kalau present participle dipakai dalam kalimat aktif, sementara past participle dipakai dalam kalimat pasif.

– artinya : Because it’s located on the beach, you can see amazing scenery from the window of my house.

14. B. Surrounded

– sama seperti nomor sebelumnya, past participle ini berfungsi untuk menggantikan kata ‘because’ sama seperti present participle sebelumnya, perbedaannya kalau present participle dipakai dalam kalimat aktif, sementara past participle dipakai dalam kalimat pasif.

– artinya : Because he is surrounded by supportive family, he can be the successful enterpreneur.

15. B. Cooked

– past participle yang berfungsi menggantikan kata ‘because’ seperti soal nomor 13 & 14.

– artinya : Because itu Aas cooked by our mother, the dinner became so fantastic.

Quote for You

"Jika kamu tidak sanggup menahan lelahnya belajar maka kamu harus sanggup menahan perihnya kebodohan." -Imam Syafi'i

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