Learning English Pronunciation: Belajar Pengucapan Bahasa Inggris

Sematskill 68

    Definisi Pengucapan Bahasa Inggris
    Pengucapan bahasa Inggris merujuk pada cara seseorang mengucapkan kata-kata dan suara dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam pengucapan yang baik, pengaturan mulut, lidah, dan bibir digunakan untuk menghasilkan suara yang benar. Tujuan utama dari belajar pengucapan bahasa Inggris adalah untuk bisa mengucapkan kata-kata dengan jelas sehingga orang lain dapat memahami apa yang kita katakan.

    image 181
    1. Apple (apel)
    2. Book (buku)
    3. Chair (kursi)
    4. Dog (anjing)
    5. Elephant (gajah)
    6. Flower (bunga)
    7. Guitar (gitar)
    8. House (rumah)
    9. Ice cream (es krim)
    10. Jacket (jaket)
    11. Key (kunci)
    12. Lion (singa)
    13. Monkey (monyet)
    14. Nurse (perawat)
    15. Orange (jeruk)
    16. Pizza (piza)
    17. Queen (ratu)
    18. Rabbit (kelinci)
    19. Sun (matahari)
    20. Table (meja)
    21. Umbrella (payung)
    22. Vegetable (sayuran)
    23. Window (jendela)
    24. Xylophone (xylophone)
    25. Yellow (kuning)
    26. Zebra (zebra)
    27. Computer (komputer)
    28. Lamp (lampu)
    29. Pen (pena)
    30. Train (kereta)
    image 182
    1. I ate an apple for breakfast. (Saya makan apel untuk sarapan)
    2. She loves reading books. (Dia suka membaca buku)
    3. Please sit on the chair. (Silakan duduk di kursi)
    4. The dog is barking loudly. (Anjing itu menggonggong dengan keras)
    5. The elephant is the largest land animal. (Gajah adalah hewan darat terbesar)
    6. The flower smells nice. (Bunga itu harum)
    7. He can play the guitar very well. (Dia bisa bermain gitar dengan sangat baik)
    8. I live in a house near the beach. (Saya tinggal di sebuah rumah dekat pantai)
    9. I want to eat ice cream. (Saya ingin makan es krim)
    10. She is wearing a red jacket. (Dia mengenakan jaket merah)
    11. Can you give me the key to the door? (Bisakah kamu memberi saya kunci pintu?)
    12. The lion roars in the jungle. (Singa itu mengaum di hutan)
    13. The monkey is swinging from tree to tree. (Monyet itu bergelantungan dari pohon ke pohon)
    14. The nurse is taking care of the patients. (Perawat itu merawat pasien-pasien)
    15. I like eating oranges. (Saya suka makan jeruk)
    16. Let’s order a pizza for dinner. (Ayo pesan piza untuk makan malam)
    17. The queen wears a crown. (Ratu itu mengenakan mahkota)
    18. The rabbit is hopping in the garden. (Kelinci itu melompat-lompat di kebun)
    19. The sun is shining brightly. (Matahari bersinar terang)
    20. Put the book on the table. (Letakkan buku itu di atas meja)
    21. Don’t forget to bring an umbrella. (Jangan lupa bawa payung)
    22. Eat your vegetables for a healthy diet. (Makanlah sayuran untuk diet sehat)
    23. Open the window to let some fresh air in.
    24. Certainly! Here are more details about the article “Learning English Pronunciation: Belajar Pengucapan Bahasa Inggris”:

    30 Latihan Soal untuk Meningkatkan Pengucapan

    1. How do you pronounce the word “apple”?
    2. What is the correct pronunciation of the word “book”?
    3. Pronounce the word “chair” correctly.
    4. How do you say “dog” in English?
    5. What is the correct pronunciation of the word “elephant”?
    6. Say the word “flower” correctly.
    7. How do you pronounce the word “guitar”?
    8. Say the word “house” in English.
    9. What is the correct pronunciation of “ice cream”?
    10. How do you say “jacket” in English?
    11. Pronounce the word “key” correctly.
    12. What is the correct pronunciation of the word “lion”?
    13. Say the word “monkey” in English.
    14. How do you pronounce the word “nurse”?
    15. What is the correct pronunciation of the word “orange”?
    16. Pronounce the word “pizza” correctly.
    17. How do you say “queen” in English?
    18. Say the word “rabbit” correctly.
    19. What is the correct pronunciation of the word “sun”?
    20. How do you pronounce the word “table”?
    21. Say the word “umbrella” in English.
    22. What is the correct pronunciation of “vegetable”?
    23. How do you say “window” in English?
    24. Pronounce the word “xylophone” correctly.
    25. What is the correct pronunciation of the word “yellow”?
    26. Say the word “zebra” in English.
    27. How do you pronounce the word “computer”?
    28. What is the correct pronunciation of the word “lamp”?
    29. Say the word “pen” correctly.
    30. How do you say “train” in English?

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