Mengenal Apa itu Passive Voice dan Contohnya dalam Berbagai Tenses

Apa itu Passive Voice

Jika kamu sedang belajar bahasa Inggris dan penasaran apa itu passive voice, artikel berikut akan membantumu menemukan jawabannya. Tidak hanya menjelaskan pengertiannya, melainkan akan disajikan rumus dan contoh passive voice.

Apa itu Passive Voice

Apa Itu Passive Voice?

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kamu tentu tidak asing dengan kalimat aktif dan pasif, bukan? Contoh seperti kalimat dengan kata kerja “dipukul” untuk kata kerja pasif dan “memukul” untuk kata kerja aktif. Nah, dalam bahasa Inggris, bentuk kalimat ini juga ada, lho. Kali ini kita akan mengenal bentuk passive voice lebih lanjut.

Penggunaan kalimat passive voice sebenarnya tidak asing dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kamu dapat menemukan berbagai contoh passive voice di berbagai situasi, seperti saat berbicara, membaca buku, mendengarkan berita, dan lain sebagainya.

Secara sederhana, penggunaan kalimat passive voice mengubah objek dalam kalimat aktif menjadi subjek. Sebagai ilustrasi, dalam kalimat aktif yang menyatakan “Ibu membacakan buku untuk adik,” kalimat pasifnya dapat dirumuskan sebagai “Adik dibacakan buku oleh ibu.”

Ciri-ciri Passive Voice

  • 1. Kalimat pasif mengubah subjek dari kalimat aktif menjadi objek
  • 2. Pelaku yang melakukan tindakan tidak dijelaskan secara eksplisit dalam kalimat pasif.
  • 3. Penggunaan kata kerja ketiga (V3/past participle)

Rumus Passive Voice

Berikut adalah rumus passive voice:

1. Kalimat Positif

Object + Auxiliary Verb + Past Participle (Verb 3) + Subject

Example: The book (object) has not been (aux verb) delivered (past participle) by the courier (subject).

2. Kalimat Negatif

Object + Auxiliary Verb + not + Past Participle (Verb 3) + Subject

Example: The message (object) has not been (aux verb) delivered (past participle) by the courier (subject).

3. Kalimat Interogatif

Object + Subject + Past Participle (Verb 3) + by + Auxiliary Verb?

Contoh: Has the report (object) been (past participle) completed by the team (subject)?

Gambar Apa itu Passive Voice
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Rumus Passive Voice dalam Tenses yang Berbeda

Berikut adalah rumus-rumus passive voice dalam beberapa tenses yang berbeda beserta contohnya:

1. Simple Present Tense

  • Positif: Object + am/is/are + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Negatif: Object + am/is/are + not + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Interogatif: Am/Is/Are + Object + Past Participle + by + Subject?


  • Positif: The report is submitted by the team.
  • Negatif: The document is not read by anyone.
  • Interogatif: Is the project completed by the deadline?

2. Present Continuous Tense

  • Positif: Object + am/is/are + being + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Negatif: Object + am/is/are + not + being + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Interogatif: Am/Is/Are + Object + being + Past Participle + by + Subject?


  • Positif: The cake is being baked by the chef.
  • Negatif: The letter is not being written by her.
  • Interogatif: Are the invitations being sent by the team?

3. Present Perfect Tense

  • Positif: Object + has/have + been + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Negatif: Object + has/have + not + been + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Interogatif: Has/Have + Object + been + Past Participle + by + Subject?


  • Positif: The movie has been watched by many people.
  • Negatif: The task has not been completed by the team.
  • Interogatif: Have the tickets been booked by the travel agency?

4. Simple Past Tense

  • Positif: Object + was/were + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Negatif: Object + was/were + not + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Interogatif: Was/Were + Object + Past Participle + by + Subject?


  • Positif: The book was read by her last night.
  • Negatif: The message was not received by him.
  • Interogatif: Were the tickets bought by your friend?

5. Past Continuous Tense

  • Positif: Object + was/were + being + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Negatif: Object + was/were + not + being + Past Participle + by + Subject
  • Interogatif: Was/Were + Object + being + Past Participle + by + Subject?


  • Positif: The song was being sung by the choir.
  • Negatif: The document was not being printed by the printer.
  • Interogatif: Was the cake being decorated by the baker?

Dengan memahami apa itu passive voice, ciri-ciri, rumus, dan contoh-contohnya, diharapkan kita dapat lebih mahir dalam menggunakan teruslah berlatih dan eksplorasi, sehingga kemampuan kita dalam mengaplikasikan passive voice semakin berkembang.

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