Cara Menggunakan Frasa Kalender dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Sematskill 81

Kalender adalah alat atau sistem untuk mengatur waktu dalam bentuk tahun, bulan, dan hari, biasanya dengan menandai hari libur, peristiwa penting, atau tanggal penting lainnya.

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Contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris

  1. “I marked my friend’s birthday on the calendar.”
  2. “The calendar shows that the meeting is scheduled for next Monday.”
  3. “Do you have a calendar where we can plan our trip?”
  4. “She uses a digital calendar to keep track of her appointments.”
  5. “The school calendar indicates that classes start on September 1st.”
  6. “I need to check the calendar to see if I’m available for that date.”
  7. “We need to sync our calendars to find a suitable time for the meeting.”
  8. “He crossed out the date on the calendar to cancel the event.”
  9. “The calendar on my phone sends me reminders for important dates.”
  10. “I rely on my desk calendar to stay organized.”
  11. “The calendar hanging on the wall is beautifully illustrated.”
  12. “She circled the date on the calendar to mark her anniversary.”
  13. “Let me check the calendar to see when we’re free.”
  14. “The company publishes a calendar every year with photos of their products.”
  15. “I keep a family calendar to coordinate everyone’s schedules.”
  16. “She flipped through the calendar to find the date of the holiday.”
  17. “The calendar on the fridge has all our family events listed.”
  18. “The lunar calendar is used in some cultures to determine festivals.”
  19. “We use a shared calendar at work to avoid scheduling conflicts.”
  20. “I always forget important dates unless they’re on my calendar.”
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30 kosakata yang berkaitan dengan kalender

  1. Year (Tahun)
  2. Month (Bulan)
  3. Day (Hari)
  4. Week (Minggu)
  5. Date (Tanggal)
  6. Schedule (Jadwal)
  7. Event (Acara)
  8. Reminder (Pengingat)
  9. Appointment (Janji)
  10. Holiday (Hari Libur)
  11. Anniversary (Peringatan)
  12. Deadline (Batas Waktu)
  13. Lunar (Bulan)
  14. Gregorian (Kalender Gregorian)
  15. Planner (Perencana)
  16. Digital (Digital)
  17. Desk (Meja)
  18. Wall (Dinding)
  19. Family (Keluarga)
  20. Lunar (Kalender Bulan)
  21. Solar (Kalender Matahari)
  22. Agenda (Agenda)
  23. Occasion (Peristiwa)
  24. Reservation (Pemesanan)
  25. Birthdate (Tanggal Lahir)
  26. Annual (Tahunan)
  27. Weekly (Sekali Minggu)
  28. Monthly (Bulanan)
  29. Season (Musim)
  30. Festivity (Kemeriahan)

Contoh Percakapan 1:

A: “Hey, have you checked the calendar for next week?”
B: “No, not yet. What’s up?”
A: “I was thinking of organizing a barbecue on Saturday. Are you free?”
B: “Let me see… Oh, I have a dentist appointment in the morning, but I should be free by noon.”
A: “Perfect! I’ll mark you down for noon then. Can you bring some drinks?”
B: “Sure thing. Should I invite Sarah and Mark as well?”
A: “Definitely! The more, the merrier. I’ll send them a quick text.”

Contoh Percakapan 2:

A: “Do you remember our anniversary date?”
B: “Uh-oh, don’t tell me it’s coming up already!”
A: “Yes, next Friday. I already marked it on the calendar.”
B: “Phew, thanks for the heads up! Let’s plan something special.”
A: “How about dinner at that new Italian place downtown?”
B: “Sounds perfect. I’ll make a reservation for 7 PM.”

Contoh Percakapan 3:

A: “I’m so overwhelmed with work lately. I need to get organized.”
B: “Why don’t you start by using a planner or a digital calendar?”
A: “I’ve never been good at sticking to those things.”
B: “Trust me, it makes a huge difference. You can schedule tasks and set reminders.”
A: “Hmm, maybe I’ll give it a try. Can you help me set it up?”
B: “Of course! Let’s do it together this weekend.”

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Latihan Soal

  1. How many days are there in a week?
    a) 5
    b) 6
    c) 7
    d) 8
  2. What is the name of the month following April?
    a) May
    b) June
    c) July
    d) August
  3. What holiday always falls on December 25th every year?
    a) Independence Day
    b) Eid al-Fitr
    c) Christmas
    d) New Year’s Day
  4. How many days are there in a leap year?
    a) 365
    b) 366
    c) 364
    d) 363
  5. If today is Monday, what day comes after two days?
    a) Wednesday
    b) Thursday
    c) Friday
    d) Saturday
  6. What date is Valentine’s Day?
    a) February 14th
    b) March 14th
    c) April 14th
    d) May 14th
  7. How many months are there in a year?
    a) 10
    b) 11
    c) 12
    d) 13
  8. What is the name of the first month in the Gregorian calendar?
    a) January
    b) March
    c) April
    d) December
  9. What date always falls on the last day of February?
    a) 28
    b) 29
    c) 30
    d) 31
  10. What is the name of the day that comes between Saturday and Monday?
    a) Sunday
    b) Wednesday
    c) Friday
    d) Tuesday
  11. Which month typically has 30 days?
    a) February
    b) March
    c) April
    d) June
  12. If today is August 20th, what day will it be two weeks from now?
    a) September 3rd
    b) September 4th
    c) September 5th
    d) September 6th

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