How to Book a Table

Sematskill 96

How to Book a Table

Memesan meja di restoran mungkin terdengar sederhana, tetapi ada beberapa kosa kata dan frasa yang penting untuk dikuasai agar prosesnya berjalan lancar. Artikel ini akan membahas kosa kata penting, contoh kalimat, dan contoh percakapan untuk memesan meja di restoran.

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Kosa Kata Penting

  1. Book – Memesan
  2. Table – Meja
  3. Reservation – Reservasi
  4. Available – Tersedia
  5. Time – Waktu
  6. Date – Tanggal
  7. Party – Rombongan (jumlah orang)
  8. Confirm – Mengonfirmasi
  9. Cancel – Membatalkan
  10. Booking – Pemesanan
  11. Restaurant – Restoran
  12. Special request – Permintaan khusus
  13. Seats – Tempat duduk
  14. Occasion – Kesempatan/acara khusus
  15. Waiting list – Daftar tunggu
  16. Name – Nama
  17. Contact number – Nomor kontak
  18. Email – Email
  19. Outdoor seating – Tempat duduk luar ruangan
  20. Indoor seating – Tempat duduk dalam ruangan
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Contoh Kalimat

  1. I would like to book a table for two.
  2. Do you have a table available for tonight?
  3. I need to make a reservation for this Friday.
  4. Is there an available table at 7 PM?
  5. What time would you like your reservation?
  6. Can you book a table for us on this date?
  7. We have a party of six.
  8. Could you confirm my reservation?
  9. I need to cancel my reservation.
  10. The booking is under my name.
  11. This is a popular restaurant.
  12. I have a special request for a window seat.
  13. How many seats do you need?
  14. Are you celebrating a special occasion?
  15. We can put you on the waiting list.
  16. The name for the reservation is John.
  17. My contact number is 123-456-7890.
  18. Can I get a confirmation email?
  19. Do you offer outdoor seating?
  20. We prefer indoor seating.
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Contoh Percakapan

Percakapan 1: Memesan Meja via Telepon

Customer: Good evening, I’d like to book a table for tomorrow night.

Receptionist: Good evening! For how many people?

Customer: For four people.

Receptionist: What time would you like the reservation?

Customer: At 7 PM, please.

Receptionist: Alright, we have a table available at 7 PM. May I have your name and contact number?

Customer: Sure, my name is Sarah and my contact number is 098-765-4321.

Receptionist: Thank you, Sarah. Your reservation is confirmed for four people at 7 PM tomorrow night. Is there anything else you need?

Customer: No, that’s all. Thank you!

Receptionist: You’re welcome! Have a great evening.

Percakapan 2: Membatalkan Reservasi

Customer: Hello, I need to cancel my reservation for tonight.

Receptionist: Sure, can I have the name and the time of the reservation?

Customer: It’s under the name Michael at 8 PM.

Receptionist: Thank you, Michael. Your reservation for 8 PM tonight has been cancelled. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Customer: No, that’s it. Thank you very much.

Receptionist: You’re welcome. Have a good day!

Latihan Soal: How to Book a Table

Soal Mencocokkan

Cocokkan bagian-bagian dari percakapan dengan pernyataan yang benar.

  1. Menyapa dan menanyakan ketersediaan
  2. Memberikan informasi tentang waktu reservasi
  3. Menanyakan preferensi tempat duduk
  4. Mengonfirmasi jumlah tamu
  5. Mengakhiri percakapan dengan konfirmasi
NoPernyataanPilihan Jawaban
1“Good evening, I’d like to book a table for…”A. “Do you have a table available for two on Friday night?”
2“For what time and date?”B. “We would prefer a table by the window.”
3“Do you have any seating preferences?”C. “Thank you, we look forward to seeing you.”
4“How many people will be in your party?”D. “There will be four of us.”
5“Your reservation is confirmed.”E. “For 7 PM this Saturday.”

Soal Pilihan Ganda

Pilih jawaban yang paling tepat untuk setiap pertanyaan di bawah ini.

  1. Apa yang biasanya dikatakan pertama kali saat memesan meja di restoran?
  • A. “Can I see the menu?”
  • B. “I’d like to book a table for dinner.”
  • C. “Is the food good here?”
  • D. “Do you have vegetarian options?”
  1. Apa informasi yang penting untuk diberikan saat memesan meja?
  • A. Alamat rumah Anda
  • B. Nama koki restoran
  • C. Tanggal dan waktu reservasi
  • D. Warna favorit Anda
  1. Mengapa penting untuk menanyakan preferensi tempat duduk?
  • A. Untuk mengetahui dekorasi restoran
  • B. Untuk memastikan kenyamanan tamu
  • C. Untuk mengecek menu spesial
  • D. Untuk berbicara dengan koki
  1. Apa yang harus dilakukan jika restoran tidak memiliki meja yang tersedia pada waktu yang diinginkan?
  • A. Meminta untuk berbicara dengan manajer
  • B. Menanyakan alternatif waktu atau tanggal lain
  • C. Mengeluh keras-keras
  • D. Meninggalkan restoran
  1. Bagaimana Anda mengonfirmasi jumlah tamu?
  • A. “Can I get the bill, please?”
  • B. “There will be four of us.”
  • C. “What is today’s special?”
  • D. “Can we have a table by the window?”


Soal Mencocokkan

  1. A
  2. E
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C

Soal Pilihan Ganda

  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B

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